圖書標籤: 奇幻 Stephen_King 斯蒂芬金 恐怖小說 已入 Stephen King Fantasy
The Dark Tower pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Book Description
This volume sees gunslinger Roland on a roller-coaster mix of exhilarating triumph and aching loss in his unrelenting quest to reach the dark tower. A journey which means he must leave his faithful friends as he closes on the tower. His steps are followed only by Mordred, half-human, half-terrifying creature.
More about The Dark Tower (series)
The Dark Tower is a series of seven books by American writer Stephen King that tells the tale of lead character Roland Deschain's quest for the "Dark Tower." The Dark Tower is often described in the novels as a real structure, and also as a metaphor. Part of Roland's fictional quest lies in discovering the true nature of the Tower. The series incorporates themes from multiple genres, including fantasy fiction, science fantasy, horror, and western elements. King has described the series as his magnum opus; beside the seven novels that comprise the series proper, many of his other books are related to the story, introducing concepts and characters that come into play as the series progresses.
The series was mostly inspired by the epic poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, the full text of which was included in an appendix to the final volume. In the preface to the revised 2003 edition of The Gunslinger, King also identifies The Lord of the Rings, the Arthurian Legend, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as inspirations. He identifies Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name" character as one of the major inspirations for Roland. King's style of location names in the series, such as Mid-World, and his development of a unique language abstract to our own, are also influenced by J. R. R. Tolkien's work.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1
斯蒂芬·金,當代驚悚小說之王,通俗小說大師。1947年齣生於美國緬因州的波特蘭,後在緬因州州立大學學習英國文學,畢業後因工資菲薄而走上寫作之路。20世紀70年代中期,斯蒂芬·金聲名漸起,被《紐約時報》譽為“現代驚悚小說大師”。自20世紀80年代以來,在曆年的美國暢銷書排行榜中,其作品總是名列榜首,居高不下。金的很多作品都成為好萊塢製片商的搶手貨。有超過70部電影和電視節目取材自他的作品,包括《閃靈》(The Shining)、《綠裏》(The Green Mile)、《肖申剋的救贖》(Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption,又譯《刺激一九九五》,源自《四季奇譚》Different Seasons)等等。他在32歲時成為全世界作傢中首屈一指的億萬富翁。斯蒂芬·金還是第一位在互聯網上發錶作品並提供收費下載的作傢。2003年,他獲得瞭美國國傢圖書奬的終身成就奬。
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Ka is like a wheel
評分The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Ka is like a wheel
評分The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Ka is like a wheel
評分The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Ka is like a wheel
評分The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Ka is like a wheel
经典: 1,结尾 神作般的结尾,也是唯一合理的结尾。试问,当一切都在前往黑暗塔的路上经历过了,在塔内你又能找到什么? 答案是一切,是无,是循环与重来。黑暗塔里有罗兰的整个人生,黑暗塔又是罗兰人生的重要部分,这本身就构成了一个循环。聪明的读者在读前几卷时就...
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評分昨晚刚刚看完这套书,我买的是人民文学出版社新出版的精装版,在看到第七本的时候发现一处不理解的地方,于是找了一下英文原文,发现这里有可能是一处翻译错误,我英文水平很差,如果是我的错误还望大家指正。 黑暗塔系列的第七本《黑暗塔》,第一部“红色小国王 婴神丹...
The Dark Tower pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025