圖書標籤: 維特根斯坦 世紀末的維也納 維也納 history
Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Fin de siecle Vienna was once memorably described by Karl Kraus as a "proving ground for the destruction of the world". In the decades leading to the World War that brought down the Austro-Hungarian empire, the city was at once an operetta dream world masking social and political problems and tension, as well as a center for the far-reaching explorations and innovations in music, art, science, and philosophy that would help to define modernity. One of the most powerful critiques of the retreat into fantasy was that of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose early career in Vienna has helped frame debates about ethical and aesthetic values in culture. In Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited Allan Janik expands upon his work Wittgenstein's Vienna (co-authored with Stephen Toulmin) to amplify a number of significant points concerning the genesis of Wittgenstein's thought, the nature of Viennese culture, and criticism of contemporary culture.Although Wittgenstein is the central figure in this volume, Janik places considerable emphasis on other influential figures, both Viennese and non-Viennese, in order to break down some of the persistent stereotypes about the philosopher and his surrounding culture, especially the myths of "carefree" Vienna and Wittgenstein the positivist. The persistence of these myths, in Janik's view, stems in part from the inability of many historians to differentiate past from present in the evaluation of intellectual currents. Janik reviews a number of figures overlooked in assessing Wittgenstein: Otto Weininger, Kraus, Schoenberg, Nietzsche, Wagner, Ibsen, Offenbach, and Georg Trakl. All of these, Janik demonstrates, are absolutely necessary to understand whatwas at stake in the debates on aestheticism and the critique of a modern culture.Wittgenstein's efforts to recognize the limits of thought and language and thus to be fair to science, religion, and art account for his place of honor among critical modernists. These essays elucidate Wittgenstein's perspective on our culture.
阿蘭•雅尼剋(Allan Janik,1941— )生於美國馬薩諸塞州奇科皮,先後畢業於聖安塞姆學院、維拉諾瓦大學和布蘭迪斯大學。他曾在喇沙書院和韋爾斯利學院教授哲學和思想史,現為奧地利因斯布魯剋大學布倫納檔案研究委員會的一員。另著有《提示匯編:對維特根斯坦哲學概念起源的研究》(Assembling Reminders: Studies in the Genesis of Wittgenstein's Concept of Philosophy)、《隱喻的運用和濫用》(The Use and Abuse of Metaphor)、《哲學的風格、政治和未來》(Style, Politics and the Future of Philosophy)等。
斯蒂芬•圖爾敏(Stephen Toulmin,1922—2009)英國哲學傢、作傢、教育傢,生於倫敦,畢業於劍橋大學。曾在牛津大學、墨爾本大學、利茲大學、布蘭迪斯大學、密歇根州立大學、芝加哥大學和南加利福尼亞大學哲學任教。他生前主要緻力於道德理性的研究,齣版過二十餘部著作,涉及領域廣泛,其中包括《迴歸理性》(Return to Reason)、《都市:現代性的隱藏議題》(Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity)、《前瞻和理解:拷問科學的目的》(Foresight and Understanding: An Enquiry into the Aims of Science)等。
評分维也纳的哲学交响曲 ◎ 东渔 众所周知,维也纳是一个令人向往的音乐天堂,而这本《维特根斯坦的维也纳》似乎要告诉我们,它也可以作为一个哲学之都硬挺挺地存在着。开篇对维也纳梦幻之都还原再现,紧随着历史的风云变幻,人们开始自艺术中逃避自我,而哲学家另有天地,在学...
評分语言到底能表达多少东西?个体的语言表达又是多么苍白和无力? 感情是否能够通过语言传递?这些问题总是困扰了我好久,就像曾经在写最初的一篇小说里面有一章的题目便是“爱情是不是可以量化的?”。 这些问题在这本书里却找到了一些共鸣。 What Wittgenstein, at least fro...
Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025