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Crystal Gorge pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
After two devastating defeats and the utter annihilation of two armies, the hideous Vlagh still vows to invade the land of Dhrall. A voracious insectile overmind, she can breed millions of soldiers in mere days and even evolve entire new species in just a week.At first, Dhrall's mortal defenders-a motley bunch of mercenaries, pirates, horse lords, and lone heroes like the archer Longbow-are certain they'll prevail again. Most are now battle-hardened veterans, and the natives of Dhrall are fierce bison hunters and bear slayers, ready to fight.But while the Vlagh's past servants were giant, venomous, and mindless bugs, it has now created perfect spies: new minions with a man's appearance and intelligence. Corrupted by the agents of the Vlagh, the human tribes are soon at one anothers' throats.Far, far worse for mortals is the fact that the Gods can no longer be trusted. For, nearing the end of their 25,000 year cycle, the Elder Gods are doddering toward senility and dementia. And to add to mankind's plight, a strange mysterious entity is manipulating the forces in the upcoming strife and neither gods nor mortals know its true intentions.Now, beset by astonishing, dire challenges, Longbow and his fellow mortals must wage a bitter war against a supernatural enemy-one that has evolved in ways they could have never imagined...
大衛·艾丁斯的奇幻世界(The Worlds of David Eddings)
作者:戴比·萊德斯馬(Debbie Ledesma)
戴比·萊德斯馬(Debbie Ledesma) 2006年1月1日
鮮有奇幻作傢能夠登上紐約時報暢銷榜,然而大衛·艾丁斯(David Eddings)卻多次獲得這一榮耀。為何這位作者如此受歡迎?原因就在於其講述故事的能力。艾丁斯的作品都充滿瞭冒險、現實性角色、動感以及復雜的魔法係統,除此之外還有著微妙的幽默感在作品中暗自湧動。他的許多作品都為奇幻文學作齣瞭積極的貢獻。
艾丁斯先生的作品都有一個總標題,第一個係列名為“聖石傳奇”(Belgariad),包括五冊書:《預言傀儡》(Pawn of Prophecy)、《魔法皇後》(Queen of Sorcery)、《法師棋局》(Magician's Gambit)、《巫術城堡》(Castle of Wizardry)以及《術士終局》(Enchanter's Endgame)。這個係列講述瞭一名與一個令人生畏的婦女波加拉(Polgara)一起生活的少年貝爾加瑞(Belgarion)的故事。奇異的環境將他與幾名同伴捲入一場阻止墮落之神的任務中去。貝爾加瑞學會瞭如何使用他的魔法天賦並隨著書中加深的復雜度逐步成長。
在其後的係列《艾倫尼安》(Elenium)裏,艾丁斯嚮我們介紹瞭新角色,班頓騎士斯巴霍剋(Sparhawk the Pandion knight)。在《鑽石王座》(The Diamond Throne)中,從流放中歸來的斯巴霍剋發現埃拉尼亞(Elenia)年輕的王後被睏於水晶之內。故事在《紅寶石騎士》(The Ruby Knight)與《藍寶石玫瑰》(The Sapphire Rose)中繼續,並開始瞭對抗古神的戰爭。這些作品都設定在中世紀封建王國結構之下,有著騎士製度以及經常在信徒麵前顯靈的年輕女神。那些潛藏在書中的微妙幽默會在不經意間走到讀者麵前。
艾丁斯接下來便以《莫羅瑞恩》(Mallorean)迴到貝爾加瑞的世界。這時,那些角色已漸漸變老。貝爾加瑞、他的妻子以及同伴將在有著魔法與迥異文化的新的國度追蹤拐騙瞭他們的孩子的壞蛋。這一係列依然有五本書:《西方守衛者》(The Guardians of the West)、《墨格斯之王》(King of the Murgos)、《卡蘭達邪王》(Demon Lord of Karanda)、《達西瓦女巫》(Sorceress of Darshiva)和《科爾的先知》(The Seeress of Kell)。
而之後則是重迴斯巴霍剋和他的夥伴們世界的《塔姆裏》(Tamuli)。他們將進行一場遠徵,前往遙遠而陌生的帝國與邪神戰鬥。《火之穹廬》(Domes of Fire)、《閃耀者》(The Shining Ones)和《隱藏之城》(The Hidden City)充滿瞭動作、復雜的情節以及如同先前那些小說一樣的幽默。在最後一冊裏,斯巴霍剋將知曉與麵對自己的真實命運。
艾丁斯用兩本書迴到貝爾加瑞德的過去世界。《巫師貝爾加拉斯》(Belgarath the Sorcerer)敘述貝爾加拉斯與他的妻子的故事,他的女兒的故事則記述於《女巫波加拉》(Polgara the Sorceress),包括她如何成為未來的利瓦(Rivan)王座繼承人——年輕的加裏安(Garion)的監護者。這兩冊書包括瞭這個世界的曆史與兩個人氣主角的故事等重要信息。
《利瓦手捲》(Rivan Codex)並非小說,而是艾丁斯先生關於如何設計“貝爾加瑞德”與“莫羅瑞恩”世界的筆記與大綱。讀者可在此找到加深對小說理解的深度資料。而奇幻寫作愛好者則可以得知如何寫作一部復雜的奇幻小說,他們可以從一個多産作傢那裏得到許多好的建議。
艾丁斯最近的係列是“睡夢者傳奇”(Dreamers Saga)。在這個新世界,四名年輕人為瞭取代四位年老之神而降生。“睡夢者”有著夢見未來的能力。第一冊《年老之神》(The Elder Gods)講述四位年輕人加入四個羅盤所指方嚮的眾神,去學習他們的力量。他們必須努力從邪惡生靈的手中拯救齣霍沃(Dhrall)大地。每一本書都講述瞭睡夢者們的成長。《珍寶》(The Treasured One)與《水晶山榖》(Crystal Gorge)是係列中的後兩本。
大衛·艾丁斯仍然在為奇幻世界增添新的作品,他的妻子,麗·艾丁斯(Leigh Eddings)成功地成為新作品的閤作者。她為這些作品作瞭值得肯定的貢獻。讀者們享受著他的世界中那些難忘的角色、復雜的魔法係統、多樣的文化與冒險。我們已經迫不及待地眺望著將來的新書瞭。
I dont like it. Again wars between bugthing and manthing, with several more sleepy children. Wel, I didnt finish it, however. I just dont have that much time for such a book.
評分I dont like it. Again wars between bugthing and manthing, with several more sleepy children. Wel, I didnt finish it, however. I just dont have that much time for such a book.
評分I dont like it. Again wars between bugthing and manthing, with several more sleepy children. Wel, I didnt finish it, however. I just dont have that much time for such a book.
評分I dont like it. Again wars between bugthing and manthing, with several more sleepy children. Wel, I didnt finish it, however. I just dont have that much time for such a book.
評分I dont like it. Again wars between bugthing and manthing, with several more sleepy children. Wel, I didnt finish it, however. I just dont have that much time for such a book.
Crystal Gorge pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025