图书标签: 英国史 历史 考据
The Tyrannicide Brief pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Charles I waged civil wars that cost one in ten Englishmen their lives. But in 1649 Parliament was hard put to find a lawyer with the skill and daring to prosecute a King who claimed to be above the law: in the end the man they briefed was the radical lawyer John Cooke. His Puritan conscience, political vision, and love of civil liberties gave him the courage to bring the King’s trial to its dramatic conclusion: the English Republic. He would pay dearly for it: Charles I was beheaded, but eleven years later Cooke himself was arrested, tried, and brutally executed at the hands of Charles II.
Geoffrey Robertson, an internationally renowned human rights lawyer, provides a vivid new reading of the tumultuous Civil War years, exposing long-hidden truths: that the King was guilty as charged, that his execution was necessary to establish the sovereignty of Parliament, that the regicide trials were rigged and their victims should be seen as national heroes.
John Cooke sacrificed his own life to make tyranny a crime. His trial of Charles I, the first trial of a head of state for waging war on his own people, became a forerunner of the trials of Augusto Pinochet, Slobodan Milosevic, and Saddam Hussein. This is a superb work of history that casts a revelatory light on some of the most important issues of our time.
杰弗里•罗伯逊(Geoffrey Robertson QC) 英国王室法律顾问,国际著名人权律师,联合国塞拉利昂特别法庭法官。他曾在英国中央刑事法院的诸多著名案件中担任辩护律师,在英国、欧洲和马来西亚、斐济、澳大利亚等英联邦国家的最高法院为公民自由而辩护,赢了很多具标志性意义的官司。他参与了起诉皮诺切特和海斯廷斯•卡穆祖•班达(Hastings Kamuzu Banda)的案件,也参与对审判萨达姆•侯赛因的法官的培训。他的著作《反人类罪》(Crimes Against Humanity)启发了全球的正义运动,作品《正义的游戏》(The Justice Game )与被当作教科书的《媒体法》(Media Law)出版后均引起巨大反响。
杰弗里•罗伯逊现与妻子凯西•乐蒂(Kathy Lette)及两个孩子居住在伦敦。他创办了道迪街律师事务所(Doughty Street Chambers)并任所长,同时也是中殿律师公会(the Middle Temple)的会长,伦敦巡回法官,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的访问教授。
除本书外,他的著作还有Reluctant Judas; Obscenity; People Against the Press; Geoffrey Robertson's Hypotheticals; Media Law; Does Dracula Have Aids?; Freedom the Individual and the Law; The Justice Game; Crimes Against Humanity。
这本书陪伴我度过孤独的旅途。不停的抖动,抖出不少想法,也抖掉不少想法,呵呵。且说几点愚见。 1、审判的后台不可否认是政治力量,无论被包装得多好。 2、形式上的公正是绝对必要的,但这种公正也绝对是流变的。 3、绝对的民粹是办不好事情的,绝对的精英也肯定会坏事;栋梁...
评分法律人的骄傲与无奈 我曾经的同事徐璇的译著《弑君者》由新星出版社出版了。徐璇和我一样,都曾就读于法学院,但最终因为种种机缘没有从事法律工作(英文似乎应该用practice这个词?)。我们都曾混迹于媒体,在上海一条很安静也很有格调的小马路——绍兴路的一个办公室里,我们...
评分罗伯逊大律师的作品中确有“春秋笔法”。他笔下的库克律师,信仰虔诚、良知健全、言行理性,而却被冠以“弑君”之名。三百年来,沿用至今。在伦敦格林律师公会(Green Inn)廊厅中悬挂的不是他们同行中的佼佼者的画像,而是那些曾视法律为敝屣的王公贵胄的雕像。 这无疑是整个...
评分库克是位具有民本思想的法官、律师,他为了人民享受平等的权利,不惜被五马分尸。 但是他的牺牲值得吗? 甚至是现代英国,依然对他无视、嘲笑、丑化,在现代人权的形成中无疑有库克的贡献,然而那些迫害他的坏蛋的画像被高高悬挂纪念,而他却被打入地狱至今不得翻身。 历史是靠...
评分郭建 这是一本讲述英国17世纪大革命时期审判并处死国王故事的书。书中以审判查理一世国王时的副检察总长、担任公诉人角色的约翰•库克为中心,描述了众多参与审判及判决国王死刑的人物,通过从大量的档案、回忆录、信件、日记等等的史料中发掘的细节,极其细致而又逼真的描...
The Tyrannicide Brief pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025