图书标签: Aristotle 外国哲学 亚里士多德 philosophy list justice Politics Pol
Politics pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Clarendon Aristotle Series is designed for both students and professionals. It provides accurate translations of selected Aristotelian texts, accompanied by incisive commentaries which focus on philosophical problems and issues. This volume contains a clear and accurate translation of the last two books of Aristotle's Politics, together with a philosophical commentary. It is well suited to the requirements of students, including those who do not know Greek. The Politics is a key document in Western political thought; it raises and discusses many theoretical and practical political issues which are still debated today. In Books VII and VIII Aristotle gives his fullest picture of the ideal civic community, as a model for actual political systems. In such a community citizens share equally in political deliberation by drawing on a common conception of the good, and all are educated by the city to participate in its culture. Aristotle's discussion ranges over such issues as commerce, property, marriage, abortion, censorship, education, and the place of music and poetry in civic life.
评分关于这本书,评价有很多,可是别人的评价只能是别人的结晶。自己的水平虽然不够,但是结合本书以及各种书评,再次做出自己的理解。 这本书是剥削阶级的政治学的创始著作。本书分为八卷。卷一论家庭;卷二论理想城邦和优良城邦;卷三 公民和政体理论 ;卷四 现实政体的类别; 卷...
评分什么!难道自由唯有依靠奴役才能维持吗?也许是的。 ——卢梭 奴隶制正是从这类理由上得到了保卫和辩护。劳动意味着被必然性所奴役,而这种奴役内在于人类生活状况中。因为...
评分读罢《理想国》,掩卷思忖,便觉柏拉图笔下苏格拉底辩论之地似在天上。而只需翻开《政治学》第一页,立刻感到亚里士多德双足,踏踏实实踩在地上。 《政治学》全书,处处闪光,时而让人有穿越之感。马基雅维利对好人和好公民的讨论、对君王保全权力之手段的探讨;孟德斯鸠之政体...
Politics pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025