圖書標籤: 小說 土耳其 Pamuk OrhanPamuk 帕慕剋 政治 Orhan Islam
Snow pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A Turkish poet who spent 12 years as a political exile in Germany witnesses firsthand the clash between radical Islam and Western ideals in this enigmatically beautiful novel. Ka's reasons for visiting the small Turkish town of Kars are twofold: curiosity about the rash of suicides by young girls in the town and a hope to reconnect with "the beautiful Ipek," whom he knew as a youth. But Kars is a tangle of poverty-stricken families, Kurdish separatists, political Islamists (including Ipek's spirited sister Kadife) and Ka finds himself making compromises with all in a desperate play for his own happiness. Ka encounters government officials, idealistic students, leftist theater groups and the charismatic and perhaps terroristic Blue while trying to convince Ipek to return to Germany with him; each conversation pits warring ideologies against each other and against Ka's own weary melancholy. Pamuk himself becomes an important character, as he describes his attempts to piece together "what really happened" in the few days his friend Ka spent in Kars, during which snow cuts off the town from the rest of the world and a bloody coup from an unexpected source hurtles toward a startling climax. Pamuk's sometimes exhaustive conversations and descriptions create a stark picture of a too-little-known part of the world, where politics, religion and even happiness can seem alternately all-consuming and irrelevant. A detached tone and some dogmatic abstractions make for tough reading, but Ka's rediscovery of God and poetry in a desolate place makes the novel's sadness profound and moving.
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Orhan Pamuk’s novel My Name Is Red won the 2003 IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. His work has been translated into more than twenty languages. He lives in Istanbul.
翻译大概又是一砣便。怎么格调稍微压抑点的书都被国内的翻译者搞成这个调性,看起来根本没有原作者的痕迹或者特点,没劲,没劲。但是看了开头,强迫症就是会让人把即使是一坨屎的东西也看完。 这个版本还有错别字
評分《雪》讲述的是一个土耳其诗人的故事。诗人的名字叫做卡,这个名字是他自己取的,因为他不喜欢他的原名,但是喜欢由原名的首字母拼成的卡这个名字,所以,他就这么称呼自己,并且也让母亲和朋友们接受了。 在德国度过了十二年的政治流亡生活之后,诗人卡回到伊斯坦布尔参加他...
評分抽时间又把《雪》通读了一遍,没有间断,一气呵成。 吃饭的时候左手也掐着这本白色的经卷,白昼入夜,时间刚好。 在我眼中那突厥人的忧伤,夹杂着阿尔泰山祖先的悠久长调; 黎凡特岸舶来的甜润海风,远东未知之地的香料, 而最少不了的风景,依然是麦加...
評分奥尔罕·帕慕克痴迷于颜色。这是我今天晚上清理书柜时的新发现。你瞧这些名字:《我的名字叫红》、《黑书》、《雪》、《白色城堡》。那本新买的《雪》实在是不忍心用手摸,实在是太白了呀,无论洗多少遍手还是不放心,即便是放在书架上,也会沾了灰。 上周末的傍晚,我去了街...
Snow pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025