图书标签: 心理学 思维 MalcolmGladwell thinking English 社会学 商业 bestseller
The Tipping Point pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Tipping Point is that magical moment when an idea, trend, or social behaviour crosses a threshhold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a sick individual in a crowded store can start can epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend or the popularity of a new restaurant to take off overnightor crime or drug use to taper off. Gladwell has explored this theory to great acclaim in several articles in The New Yorker. Here, he shows how very minor adjustments in products and ideas can make them more likely to become hugely popular. He reveals how east it is to cause group behaviour to tip in a desirable direction by making small changes in our immediate environment. The Tipping Point contains a profoundly hopeful idea that people will embrace for its sense and simplicity: one imaginative person, applying a well-placed lever, can move the world. Examples are recognizable: in the New York subways, removing graffiti caused a dramatic reduction in crime; a specific hip group of teenagers wore Hush Puppies and suddenly sparked a national craze. This is a book that should be read by everyone in business, politics, marketing, advertising, and anyone interested in trends, fashion, fads, policy making, and human behaviour. In other words, all of us.
Malcolm Gladwell is a former business and science writer at the Washington Post. He is currently a staff writer for The New Yorker. This is his first book.
评分Not as good as Outliers or Blink
评分the strength of weak ties. mavens. social networks. communication styles. 写得实在太罗嗦了!
评分Did I miss something? 这本书远没有它的reputation好
引爆点-Malcolm Gladwell 这本书结构看起来很简单,典型的德国哲学家黑格尔"三段式",即“认为一切发展都经历三个阶段,即发展的起点(正题),对立面的显现(反题),对立面的统一(合题)。反题否定正题,合题否定反题,合题是否定之否定。黑格尔把三段式作为论证其客观...
评分原分几次发表在我的blog上,现在整理了一下供大家参考。不过这里没有了链接,如果不舒服的话,请移步这里:http://www.xinghan.net/index.php/post/7 ps:又从网站推广的角度对引爆流行的理论进行一些案例性分析,就不写在这里了,有兴趣的同学请看这里:http://www.xingha...
评分书的内容暂时不表!在这里通缉一下中信出版社! 原著写于2000年出头。中信出版社在2002年就已翻译出版过此书!原名《引爆流行》。本是旧书出新颜,无可厚非!但换包装,换书名,不惜浪费国内出版行业最稀缺的ISBN资源换刊号,隐性的提高售价(原书18,现书30元),以上种种来博...
评分一种流行病的爆发需要三个条件,人们传播传染物的行为、传染物本身和传染物发挥作用需要的环境。一个流行潮的爆发,也起因于类似的三个条件,作者称之为个别人物法则、附着力因素、环境威力法则,其中任何一个条件的变化都可能引爆一场流行。 个别人物法则指出,一些特殊的人,...
评分最近韩国的都教授和长腿哥让国内的女粉丝尖叫不已,也让国内的汉子们相当的不服气!咱腿也不短脸也不黑,为啥让俩韩国棒子在咱地盘肆虐捕获无数妹子呢?今天我们就来讨论一下流行的现象,是什么导致事物流行? 其实流行的概念大到时尚、文化传媒和商业界,小到圈子里...
The Tipping Point pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025