Struts Design and Programming pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Struts is the most popular framework for building scalable Java Web applications. The first part of this book explains the latest version of Struts and teaches how to build real-world Struts applications. The second part goes the extra mile to discuss how to design Struts applications and solve common problems in Struts development. It's like two books at the price of one.
More importantly, this book is a tutorial designed to make the reader truly understand the concepts. It explains not only how to use Struts' features, but also how a certain feature works under the hood and which to choose if similar features exist. Examples are relevant and based on real-world applications. Several important topics rarely mentioned in other books—such as file upload, paging, object caching—are given detailed treatment.
The first part is for beginners and Struts developers who don't feel they have a complete grasp of Struts. It explains the following and many more:
- The Model-View-Controller design pattern
- Action forms
- User input validation
- The Validator Plug-in
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
- The JSP 2.0 Expression Language (EL)
- HTML, Bean, Logic, Nested Tag Libraries
- Application configuration
- The Custom SelectLabel Tag
- Tiles - Message handling and internationalization
- Struts-JSF Plug-in
- The open source DisplayTag Library
- File upload and programmable file download
- Jakarta Commons BeanUtil Class
In addition, this book deals with many design topics such as
- Data persistence
- Transfer objects
- Configuration information sharing
- Object caching
- Application security
- Paging and sorting
- HttpServletRequest wrapping
- Early session invalidation
The last chapter, "How Struts Works", dissects Struts' source code and explains the components that together make Struts tick. This chapter is particularly interesting to readers who want to know how Struts works in the background and how to extend Struts. Understanding it helps you design and develop more effective Struts applications. This book is for you if you need one written with clarity and readability in mind.
Budi Kurniawan 全球知名Java技术专家和资深Java企业级应用架构师,是软件咨询和技术出版公司Brainy Software的创始人,经验十分丰富。他还是一位经验丰富的技术作家,撰写了深入揭示Tomcat工作原理和设计理念的名著How Tomcat Works(《深入剖析Tomcat》,机械工业出版社出版)和《Struts Design and Programming》,并在多种权威出版物上发表过100多篇文章。
崔 毅 JustCommodity Software Solution Pte 公司技术部经理。毕业于北京航空航天大学计算机学院,获硕士学位,主要研究Web服务、信息交换中间件。目前在新加坡生活和工作,先后从事技术开发、系统分析、系统实施、咨询顾问和产品研发管理等工作,有多年的开发设计和管理经验。
俞哲皆 中国电信莆田分公司产品运营中心产品经理,主要从事通信行业业务系统分析、设计、开发、项目管理等工作,以及Java Web应用系统开发、智能终端Android平台应用开发及基于HTML5跨手机平台的应用开发,熟悉Java开发技术,致力于移动终端的应用开发,热衷于开源技术学习与相关讨论。
俞黎敏 IBM软件部高级信息工程师、资深技术顾问,主要负责IBM WebSphere系列产品的技术支持工作,专注于产品新特性、系统性能调优、疑难问题诊断与解决。开源爱好者,满江红论坛的核心成员,组织翻译了大量开源技术文档和资料,深受社区成员拥戴。利用业余时间担任CSDN、CJSDN、Dev2Dev、Matrix、JavaWorldTW、Spring中文网、WebSphereChina.net等Java论坛的版主,在各大技术社区为推动开源和敏捷开发做出了积极的贡献。参与审校和翻译了《Ajax设计模式》、《CSS实战手册》、《Hibernate实战(第2版)》、《Java脚本编程》、《Effective Java中文版(第2版)》、《REST实战中文版》、《Java 7程序设计》等著作。
Struts Design and Programming pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025