圖書標籤: 金融 投資 Stock Livermore finance investment Trading 英文原版
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (A Marketplace Book) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Critical Praise.. "In my interviews with over 30 of the best traders of our time, there were some questions that I raised in each conversation. One of these was: Are there any books that you found particularly valuable and would recommend to aspiring traders? By far, the most frequent response was Reminiscences of a Stock Operator-a book that was over 70 years old!" -from the Foreword by Jack Schwager Author of Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards "Although Reminiscences.was first published some 70 years ago, its take on crowd psychology and market timing is as timely as last summer's frenzy on the foreign exchange markets." -Worth magazine "The most entertaining book written on investing is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefevre, first published in 1923." -The Seattle Times "The best book I've read is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. I keep a supply for people who come to work for me." -Martin Zweig "After 20 years and many re-reads, Reminiscences is still one of my all-time favorites." -Kenneth L. Fisher Forbes First published in 1923, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the fictionalized biography of Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest speculators ever. Reminiscences remains the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever written. Generations of investors have found that it has more to teach them about themselves and other investors than years of experience in the market. This is a timeless tale that will enrich the lives-and portfolios-of today's investors as it has those of generations past.
作者:(美國)愛德溫·李費佛 譯者:真如
評分"whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again."
評分trader都應該讀一遍 我的analyst還是個ex-trader..都沒有聽說過這個
評分經驗之談 醍醐灌頂 ^ ^
在西方资本主义社会里,做股票买卖的风险最大,有的人一夜之间就成了暴发户,但也可能在一夜之间成为穷光蛋,甚至负债累累。尽管风险很大,但时至今日,纽约、伦敦等地的证券市场交易大厅里,总是挤得水泄不通。就像是进赌场一样,赢家笑输家哭,已是司空见惯的事了。 ...
評分全文引用自本书 有一年冬天在哈丁的营业厅,一小伙趾高气扬的家伙要花3万~4万美元买一件大衣——但是其中没有一个有福气穿上它。 事情的经过是这样的: 一位杰出的场内交易者——他后来成为世界闻名的一年领取1美元象征薪俸的人物——穿着一件水獭毛皮做里子的皮大衣来到交易...
評分1、不要因为股价过高而不能买入,也不要因为股价过低而不能卖出。 2、如果你选择对了,但忽视了时间之锁也不能赚到钱(买早了,卖晚了),但是买晚了,卖早了同样赚不到钱,这就需要提前预期,然后等待。 3、牛市中的操作策略就是买入并持有。 4、在股票横盘期间不要买入,因为...
評分无论在投机交易之路的哪个阶段读这本书,总会有开卷有益的感觉,每次都会发现新的共鸣。 海南出版社使用的译本是从台湾引进。在下面的书摘中,自己会修改一些投机交易行业的惯用语,以符合中国大陆地区的语言习惯。这个版本每一章的标题大都总结的很精辟,值得琢磨。 第一章 ...
評分1940年11月,杰西·里费默在曼哈顿的一家饭店大醉之后,给他的妻子写了一封信,信的结尾是这样一句话: “我的人生是一场失败!” 然后,里费默在饭店的衣帽间里,用手枪结束了自己的生命。据说,他身后留下的财产不足10000美元。 一个曾经在股...
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (A Marketplace Book) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025