图书标签: 思想史 剑桥学派 Quentin_Skinner 政治哲学 霍布斯 英文原版 英文 英国
Visions of Politics (Vol. III) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The third of three volumes of essays by Quentin Skinner, one of the world's leading intellectual historians. This collection includes some of his most important essays on Thomas Hobbes, each of which has been carefully revised for publication in this form. In a series of writings spanning the past four decades Professor Skinner examines, with his customary perspicuity, the evolution and character of Hobbes's political thought. An indispensable work in its own right, this volume also serves as a demonstration of those methodological theories propounded in Volume I, and as an appositional commentary on the Renaissance values of civic virtue treated in Volume II. All of Professor Skinner's work is characterised by philosophical power, limpid clarity, and elegance of exposition; these essays, many of which are now recognised classics, provide a fascinating and convenient digest of the development of his thought. Professer Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at http://www.balzan.it/News_eng.aspx?ID=2474
Quentin Skinner is Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Christ's College.
评分读了可能需要用到几篇论文,斯金纳的功底自不必说,哲学深度和历史视野兼具,文本分析方面相当有启发性,不过也有很大的拓展空间。最后一篇论文将霍布斯归类为de facto派,就个人的阅读来看倒不能说错,在政治学方面确实有这样的体会,但是问题在于斯金纳忽视霍布斯的宗教批判是否合适,如果关注到这部分内容,可能会发现霍布斯并不是de facto派那么简单,他的野心其实更大,不过对霍布斯的思想定位还是挺高的。
评分前半本书基本是炒reason and rheteric的冷饭,第七章基本是republican liberty,后半本书讨论英国内战后的意识形态背景,多少还算有点意思。搞笑的是,斯金纳自己最后得出结论说,霍布斯的贡献不在于他的立场,而在于他基于自然人性来论证这个立场,完全摒弃了神意论证的方式,然后,就没有然后了……把霍布斯归于de fecto派,未免太小看他了。
评分前半本书基本是炒reason and rheteric的冷饭,第七章基本是republican liberty,后半本书讨论英国内战后的意识形态背景,多少还算有点意思。搞笑的是,斯金纳自己最后得出结论说,霍布斯的贡献不在于他的立场,而在于他基于自然人性来论证这个立场,完全摒弃了神意论证的方式,然后,就没有然后了……把霍布斯归于de fecto派,未免太小看他了。
斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
评分斯金纳这本关于方法论的书,我关注两个主题。 一, 社会意义和对社会行为的解释 我过去理解的韦伯和涂尔干之争,斯金纳将其解释为anti-naturalists对naturalists。韦伯的Verstehen或涂尔干的positivism,争论主要在社会科学领域。斯金纳是历史学家,在历史哲学中,也存在狄尔...
Visions of Politics (Vol. III) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025