圖書標籤: 廣告 營銷 市場營銷 管理學 商業
廣告溝通與促銷管理 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》內容簡介:約翰·R 西羅特教授和拉裏· 珀西教授在《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》中所展示的紮實的理論功底、明晰透徹的分析闡釋、豐富詳實的案例資料,以及《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》的涵蓋麵之廣、概念理論之新、案例和數據之多,都使它當之無愧地成為廣告溝通與促銷領域的權威之作。《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》最大的價值在於它係統完整的內容設計,不僅囊括瞭廣告溝通和促銷管理領域中幾乎所有的最新理論與實務,而且以科學嚴謹的邏輯關係把這一領域的各個方麵進行瞭深入的分析和研究。正如《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》作者所說:“雖然《廣告溝通與促銷管理(第2版)》的絕大部分內容是全新的,但它涵蓋瞭廣告溝通和促銷管理領域所有主要的規範性論題”。
Althogh this book is published 10 years ago, at the time when there is no/very few online or social marketing in this world, I would strongly recommend it, simply because the author, a long time advertising scholar and practitioner, gives an integrated fram...
評分Althogh this book is published 10 years ago, at the time when there is no/very few online or social marketing in this world, I would strongly recommend it, simply because the author, a long time advertising scholar and practitioner, gives an integrated fram...
評分Althogh this book is published 10 years ago, at the time when there is no/very few online or social marketing in this world, I would strongly recommend it, simply because the author, a long time advertising scholar and practitioner, gives an integrated fram...
評分Althogh this book is published 10 years ago, at the time when there is no/very few online or social marketing in this world, I would strongly recommend it, simply because the author, a long time advertising scholar and practitioner, gives an integrated fram...
評分Althogh this book is published 10 years ago, at the time when there is no/very few online or social marketing in this world, I would strongly recommend it, simply because the author, a long time advertising scholar and practitioner, gives an integrated fram...
廣告溝通與促銷管理 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025