圖書標籤: D.H.Lawrence 小說 英國 外國文學 英文原版 英文 名著 文學
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Lawrence's finest, most mature novel initially met with disgust and incomprehension. In the love affairs of two sisters, Ursula with Rupert, and Gudrun with Gerald, critics could only see a sorry tale of sexual depravity and philosophical obscurity. Women in Love is, however, a profound response to a whole cultural crisis. The 'progress' of the modern industrialised world had led to the carnage of the First World War. What, then, did it mean to call ourselves 'human'? On what grounds could we place ourselves above and beyond the animal world? What are the definitive forms of our relationships - love, marriage, family, friendship - really worth? And how might they be otherwise? Without directly referring to the war, Women in Love explores these questions with restless energy. As a sequel to The Rainbow, the novel develops experimental techniques which made Lawrence one of the most important writers of the Modernist movement.
David Herbert Richards Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.
Lawrence's opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage." At the time of his death, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his considerable talents. Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English literature.
看瞭八分之一都沒到重點真捉急!勞叔是不是把男人想象地太美好瞭?讓兩個男主搞基算瞭啦!這書嚴重應該更名為men in love。然後默默感嘆下我到底是有多sensitive看到開頭就預料到男人的愛!三觀不一樣的人在一起那就是純杯具。勞叔被精神分析和現代主義洗腦過甚。
評分地鐵上看完。1.號稱是“戀愛中的女人”,但男人戲份很重 2.與其說是戀愛不如說是談哲學 3.彪蹄欺詐也就算瞭,作者大段的電波雖然確實不可或缺,但讀起來還是有點操蛋 4.迴頭看完前言,認識提高很多 5.讀完確實感覺有升級 6.下次還是選一本輕鬆點的地鐵讀物
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評分“ He should have loved me." 2015.12.12
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Women in Love pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025