圖書標籤: 科幻 小說 讀書會 Sci-Fi
Double Star pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
One minute, down and out actor Lorenzo Smythe was -- as usual -- in a bar, drinking away his troubles as he watched his career go down the tubes. Then a space pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing Smythe knew, he was shanghaied to Mars.
Suddenly he found himself agreeing to the most difficult role of his career: impersonating an important politician who had been kidnapped. Peace with the Martians was at stake -- failure to pull off the act could result in interplanetary war. And Smythe's own life was on the line -- for if he wasn't assassinated, there was always the possibility that he might be trapped in his new role forever!
書名稍誤導,此star非彼star。沒有星球爭奪宇宙擴張之類的場麵打鬥。講的是一位能夠惟妙惟肖模仿彆人的非著名演員,接到一個替身的活,結果抽身不能。。。 基本上是一本披著科幻外皮充滿政治隱喻的作品。第一次接觸海因萊因,原來他是這種風格?三十多年前的作品裏就開始思考地球人是否能給予火星人完全的人權。思考的是人與人,人與社會的關係,還對政治來瞭個比較直白的總結。權謀政治小說接觸比較少。這本沒有想象中抵觸,更是意外地好讀。猜得到結局也不妨礙閱讀體驗。很軟的科幻,親和文科讀者。推薦!
評分boring. so boring, but I made myself finish it, it's miracle too. A non famous actor was hired to play a role, a great minister's double. He is so successful that even the original was dead, the double issue continued. And his team members assisted him. Don't waste your time for this book. Bullshit.
評分boring. so boring, but I made myself finish it, it's miracle too. A non famous actor was hired to play a role, a great minister's double. He is so successful that even the original was dead, the double issue continued. And his team members assisted him. Don't waste your time for this book. Bullshit.
評分書名稍誤導,此star非彼star。沒有星球爭奪宇宙擴張之類的場麵打鬥。講的是一位能夠惟妙惟肖模仿彆人的非著名演員,接到一個替身的活,結果抽身不能。。。 基本上是一本披著科幻外皮充滿政治隱喻的作品。第一次接觸海因萊因,原來他是這種風格?三十多年前的作品裏就開始思考地球人是否能給予火星人完全的人權。思考的是人與人,人與社會的關係,還對政治來瞭個比較直白的總結。權謀政治小說接觸比較少。這本沒有想象中抵觸,更是意外地好讀。猜得到結局也不妨礙閱讀體驗。很軟的科幻,親和文科讀者。推薦!
如果把科幻小说比作一个生物的话,那么《双星》这本书就是一个看似完美却又骨肉分离的生物。 这本书读起来没有任何晦涩和故弄玄虚的地方。当你从开篇跟着“伟大的洛伦佐”进入故事后,你就会被故事抓着向前走,好奇心和紧张感会促使你一口气读完这本书,直到你全部看完后长舒一...
評分海因莱茵的书有两个特点,一是笔调诙谐幽默,二是与政治挂钩。到目前为止,我看过的科幻书籍,只有《不锈钢老鼠》系列,也是同样的诙谐幽默,同样的与硬科幻无关。 一个政治领袖人物,他究竟是一个具体的人还是只是一个符号? 一个成熟的体制,一个领袖的作用更多...
評分Double Star pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025