图书标签: 汉学 国 true the story q of luxun
The True Story of Ah Q pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A towering figure in the literary history of twentieth-century China, Lu Xun has exerted immense and continuous influence through his short stories, which remain today as powerful as they were first written. While echoes of these stories can still be heard in the fictional works from both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the eighties and nineties, The True Story of Ah Q has long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary.Like many Chinese intellectuals searching for a solution to China's problems, Lu Xun went to Japan to study medicine, a choice he later abandoned for a career in writing, which he considered to be a far more effective weapon to save China. A prolific author of pungent and "dagger-like" essays, Lu Xun is also a tireless translator of Western critical and literary works. His fictional works have been translated into more than twenty languages.
Gladys Yang and Yang Xianyi are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Besides Lu Xun, they also translated many classics of traditional Chinese literature. This bilingual edition also carries an introduction by Professor David Pollard.
楊憲益、戴乃迭夫婦為當代中國譯壇大家,名著名譯,至為難得。此中英對照本尚有卜立德教授新序,以為導讀。 表單的底部
the Yang Hsien Yi, Gladys Yang ed. revisited.
评分the Yang Hsien Yi, Gladys Yang ed. revisited.
评分it seems like every time I read Lu Xun there is always parts I have overlooked. Just as if I was peeling an onion. Layers by layers. Ah Q was just a fictional character when I was 9, then a metaphor when I re-read at the age of 13, now, he is standing before me, as an analogy of the Chinese Nation and the Chinese people, deeply associated with the long history China has been going through.
评分it seems like every time I read Lu Xun there is always parts I have overlooked. Just as if I was peeling an onion. Layers by layers. Ah Q was just a fictional character when I was 9, then a metaphor when I re-read at the age of 13, now, he is standing before me, as an analogy of the Chinese Nation and the Chinese people, deeply associated with the long history China has been going through.
评分在贵校最后一夜,看完了阿Q正传。 且不说这个沙发多么让人颓堕。 唉,我看阿Q不经意就看到了自己的影子,看赵老爷又不经意看到了自己的影子,又在未庄的男女老少身上看到了阿Q的影子。心想,我真是让人气破肚皮地愚昧啊! 图三的“革命”章末,阿Q发自内心地问,“难道他们还没有知道我已经投降了革命党吗”,真实地让我想到了在香港看到的各式各样的标语,张口就来的革命,真是一百年,不许变啊。 书中人可笑可悲,其实书外人更可笑可悲罢。
评分鲁迅笔下的阿Q,无权无势,处在社会的底层,在封建旧社会,受到了人们的耻笑和压迫还得忍气吞声。这样的群体,只能屈服于压迫,不顾面子和尊严死皮赖脸地活着。若想要做一些翻身的改变,在权势和封建等级社会大背景的欺压下,就只能残酷并无意义地牺牲。 而阿Q多少有一些不同...
评分优胜纪略——阿Q是个什么样的形象? 1、社会地位如何? 未庄社会最底层: 六无—— 无姓无名无籍贯 无行状无家无固定职业 2、与现实的社会地位形成强烈反差的是他什么样的内心生活需求? 自尊: A:自己看不起别人 对未庄人...
评分鲁迅笔下的阿Q,无权无势,处在社会的底层,在封建旧社会,受到了人们的耻笑和压迫还得忍气吞声。这样的群体,只能屈服于压迫,不顾面子和尊严死皮赖脸地活着。若想要做一些翻身的改变,在权势和封建等级社会大背景的欺压下,就只能残酷并无意义地牺牲。 而阿Q多少有一些不同...
评分阿Q,男,身高一六八,初中文化水平,龙年三十五却仍未成家未立业。一个人的出身并不能由自己做主,仅凭一己之力要同当今社会抗争,必然做不出翻天覆地的变化。 照这个道理说,阿Q在当代应该是一个安分守己的屌丝,但无家世、无背景又低学历的阿Q并不愿意承认自己社会...
The True Story of Ah Q pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025