图书标签: 军事 英文 Nonfiction
The Generals pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
From the #1 bestselling author of Fiasco and The Gamble , an epic history of the decline of American military leadership from World War II to Iraq
History has been kind to the American generals of World War II—Marshall, Eisenhower, Patton, and Bradley—and less kind to the generals of the wars that followed. In The Generals , Thomas E. Ricks sets out to explain why that is. In part it is the story of a widening gulf between performance and accountability. During the Second World War, scores of American generals were relieved of command simply for not being good enough. Today, as one American colonel said bitterly during the Iraq War, “As matters stand now, a private who loses a rifle suffers far greater consequences than a general who loses a war.” In The Generals we meet great leaders and suspect ones, generals who rose to the occasion and those who failed themselves and their soldiers. Marshall and Eisenhower cast long shadows over this story, as does the less familiar Marine General O. P. Smith, whose fighting retreat from the Chinese onslaught into Korea in the winter of 1950 snatched a kind of victory from the jaws of annihilation.
But Korea also showed the first signs of an army leadership culture that neither punished mediocrity nor particularly rewarded daring. In the Vietnam War, the problem grew worse until, finally, American military leadership bottomed out. The My Lai massacre, Ricks shows us, is the emblematic event of this dark chapter of our history. In the wake of Vietnam a battle for the soul of the U.S. Army was waged with impressive success. It became a transformed institution, reinvigorated from the bottom up. But if the body was highly toned, its head still suffered from familiar problems, resulting in tactically savvy but strategically obtuse leadership that would win battles but end wars badly from the first Iraq War of 1990 through to the present.
Ricks has made a close study of America’s military leaders for three decades, and in his hands this story resounds with larger meaning: about the transmission of values, about strategic thinking, and about the difference between an organization that learns and one that fails.
[美]托马斯•E. 里克斯(Thomas E.Ricks)
★ 两次普利策国内新闻报道奖获奖者
新美国安全中心研究员、中东问题专家托马斯• E. 里克斯是《华盛顿邮报》的资深军事记者,主要负责报导美国在海外的军事行动。其足迹遍布索马里、海地、朝鲜、科索沃、波斯尼亚、马其顿、科威特、阿富汗、土耳其和伊拉克等国。
早在2000 年,里克斯与其团队写下一系列阐述美军应如何适应21 世纪新需求的文章,他因此获得了普利策奖。2002 年,在详细报导了美国反恐的初期行动后,克里斯再次荣膺普利策奖。
评分虽然从全球的范围上来看,现在总体处于和平时期,但那些惊心动魄的战争场面、那些曾经在战场上叱咤风云的将军依然让人浮想联翩、心驰神往,在影视作品中、文字作品中,他们的形象依然经常出现,吸引着人们的眼球,他们依然是人们茶余饭后的讨论话题。 一个国家的综...
评分三军易得,一将难求 ——读托马斯•E.里克斯《大国与将军》有感(1023字) 作者:苇眉儿 用美国五星上将乔治• 马歇尔的话来说,真正伟大的将军能克服一切困难,战斗、战役无非是需要被克服的一种困难而已。无论他们面对何种艰苦,都能展现才华,反败为胜。在托马斯•E....
评分三军易得,一将难求 ——读托马斯•E.里克斯《大国与将军》有感(1023字) 作者:苇眉儿 用美国五星上将乔治• 马歇尔的话来说,真正伟大的将军能克服一切困难,战斗、战役无非是需要被克服的一种困难而已。无论他们面对何种艰苦,都能展现才华,反败为胜。在托马斯•E....
The Generals pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025