图书标签: 小说 历史 马来西亚 英文原版 malaysia 英国文学 民族 文学
The Garden of Evening Mists pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
1951年的马来西亚,Yun Ling Teoh,一个残酷的日本战俘营伤痕累累的唯一幸存者,在金马仑高原丛林边缘的茶园寻求慰藉。她在这里发现Yugiri,马来西亚唯一的日式花园,和其主人兼创造者,神秘的Aritomo,流亡的日本天皇的前园丁。尽管恨日本人,Yun Ling寻求Aritomo建一个花园以纪念她死在集中营的姐姐。Aritomo拒绝但同意收Yun Ling为徒”直到雨季的到来。”这样,她可以自己设计花园。但随着时间的流逝,更多的秘密开始浮现……
Tan Twan Eng was born in Penang, Malaysia, but lived in various places in Malaysia as a child. He worked as an Intellectual Property lawyer before resigning from his position to write his novel, The Gift of Rain. His second novel, "The Garden of Evening Mists," will be published in the United Kingdom in February 2012.
"The Gift of Rain" was nominated for the Man Booker Prize, and has been translated into Italian, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Czech and Serbian.
Tan Twan Eng lives in Cape Town where he is working on his third novel.
wiki: According to the 1635 Chinese garden manual Yuanye (園冶), there are four categories of borrowed scenery, namely: yuanjie (遠借 "distant borrowing", e.g., mountains, lakes), linjie (隣借 "adjacent borrowing", neighboring buildings and features), yangjie (仰借 "upward borrowing", clouds, stars), and fujie (俯借 "downward borrowing", rocks, ponds)
评分wiki: According to the 1635 Chinese garden manual Yuanye (園冶), there are four categories of borrowed scenery, namely: yuanjie (遠借 "distant borrowing", e.g., mountains, lakes), linjie (隣借 "adjacent borrowing", neighboring buildings and features), yangjie (仰借 "upward borrowing", clouds, stars), and fujie (俯借 "downward borrowing", rocks, ponds)
评分Yun Ling逃离集中营的几十年里一直想忘记这段回忆,但是当她老了,却拼命想记起来。书的后半部分十分精彩,前半部分和后半部分看的间隔有点长,导致有一些故事分不清发生的时间。chapter19看完后心情异常沉重,到后面慢慢轻松了一点。看了很多关于战争题材的书,而前半部分我一直觉得无聊,因为大部分都在讲园林设计,但是要坚持看下去,Aritomo的真实身份?Yun Ling被关押的集中营在哪?Yun Hong到底被埋在哪里?为什么唯独Yun Ling一人存活?拒绝为Yun Ling的姐姐设计园林的Aritomo为何同意收她为学徒?有些问题最终也得不到答案,毕竟作者某些地方的描述比较隐晦,大概也会像Aritomo纹身时一样留下一块空白吧。
评分略烦Yun Ling的victim叙事口吻,景色描写无敌
评分馬來亞緊急狀態是指1948年馬來亞共產黨展開武裝鬥爭之後,英殖民政府宣布全馬來亞進入緊急狀態,一直持續到1960年才解除。这个小说的背景就是这段历史,加上之前二战日本侵略东南亚的历史。Yun Ling对日本园林和这个园林师的爱我无法明白,但是这本书的语言非常优美婉约,对战争和人性的思考也非常不错。
The Garden of Evening Mists pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025