圖書標籤: 西遊記 中國文學 英語 翡翠綠 小說 外國文學 1
Journey to the West (4 Volumes) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
《Journey to the West》: Chinese mythological novel. It was written during the Ming Dynasty based on traditional folktales. Consisting of 100 chapters, this fantasy relates the adventures of a Tang Dynasty (618-907) priest Sanzang and his three disciples, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand, as they travel west in search of Buddhist Sutra. The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven. Then in chapter eight to twelve, we learn how Sanzang was born and why he is searching for the scriptures, as well as his preparation for the journey.
说说我自己的一点感受 这本书放在手机里一直读了三个月才读完的. 西游记中很多事情都值得思考, 1.孙悟空大闹天宫的时候很是厉害谁也打不过,怎么打都打不死.但是一跟了唐僧就萎了.很多人说猴子从野生变成家养的之后能力就下降了,其实我不这么认为.就拿太上老君来说其实他那里有...
評分在唐太宗年间,长安城外泾河沿岸,有两个贤人,一为渔翁,二为樵子。二人于回家途中,上演了一段渔樵对答,争个山好水好。此对答中,二人各道词章,举《蝶恋花》《鹧鸪天》《天仙子》《西江月》《临江仙》等词。 那末在唐太宗时就出现词了么?世人皆以词兴于唐末,...
評分 評分 評分最近电视上在放新版西游记,才让我想起小时候看过书,也经过经典版的洗礼。纵观整部书,我有太多不懂的地方了。为什么吴承恩要设计紧箍咒 是不是有点类似当代的 服刑证明书 为什么地上的妖怪却比天上的牛B,中央政府无能 还是诸侯割据啊 西行取经这次行动是不是只是天庭这个中央...
Journey to the West (4 Volumes) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025