图书标签: 珍妮特·温特森 JeanetteWinterson 英国文学 传记 英国 英语原版 英文原版 自传
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
[Amazon] In her new memoir, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Winterson returns to the source, her grim girlhood in a sooty English industrial town in the 1960s, to tell her story more forthrightly than she has before. Aiming for narrative tidiness tends to dilute this memoir's delightfully unorthodox quality. But for the most part, this bullet of a book is charged with risk, dark mirth, and hard-won self-knowledge. —Parul Sehgal
珍妮特·温特森 Jeanette Winterson,英国当代作家。1959年8月出生,自小由笃信基督教的家庭收养,16岁时出走,此后靠在殡仪馆、精神病院等地兼职完成了在牛津大学的学业。1985年,处女作《橘子不是唯一的水果》出版,获英国惠特布莱德小说首作大奖,赢得国 际声誉。2011年,出版自传《我要快乐,不必正常》。2016年,温特森入选“BBC 100位杰出女性”名单。代表作品有《写在身体上》《给樱桃以性别》等。
评分“Money becomes the core value, then education drives towards utility or that the life of the mind will not be counted as a good unless it products measurable results. That an alternative life to getting and spending will become very difficult.” 那年代应该还没有日常如此的荒谬和空泛,而当今确是了。
评分“Money becomes the core value, then education drives towards utility or that the life of the mind will not be counted as a good unless it products measurable results. That an alternative life to getting and spending will become very difficult.” 那年代应该还没有日常如此的荒谬和空泛,而当今确是了。
评分A long introduction into Jeanette winterson.
1 “可以正常的话,你为什么要快乐” 不久之前我看过一篇文章,大概意思是说,一个人至少要花十年、二十年的时间,离开他的原生家庭,这样他才能真正的独立。 真正的独立是什么? 意味着你不受父母的掌控,意味着你可以去你想去的城市,结交自己喜欢的朋友,做自己想做的事,想...
评分I always like JW’s writing. When this book came out in 2011, I ordered it but did not read it immediately. I thought that it was the fact-version of Oranges are not the only fruit. The online bookstore introduces the book this way: "Heartbreaking and funn...
评分1. 这不是一篇女同的爱情故事,甚至不关乎女同本身。 今年53岁的Jeanette Winterson写这部回忆录,与其说是疗伤,不如更像一个追问。她不像一个第一次审视自己伤口的人,诧异、愤怒、然后再在某种自我催眠的叙述中得着解脱和安慰。她acknowledge那些伤口,把命运的错误或者...
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025