图书标签: 情感小说
Blue Nights pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A New York Times Notable Book From one of our most powerful writers, a work of stunning frankness about losing a daughter. Richly textured with memories from her own childhood and married life with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, and daughter, Quintana Roo, this new book by Joan Didion is an intensely personal and moving account of her thoughts, fears, and doubts regarding having children, illness and growing old. As she reflects on her daughter’s life and on her role as a parent, Didion grapples with the candid questions that all parents face, and contemplates her age, something she finds hard to acknowledge, much less accept. Blue Nights —the long, light evening hours that signal the summer solstice, “the opposite of the dying of the brightness, but also its warning”—like The Year of Magical Thinking before it, is an iconic book of incisive and electric honesty, haunting and profound.
一直觉得good parents是个myth
评分一直觉得good parents是个myth
在打开《蓝夜》之前,我已经知道这是一本悼亡之书。扉页写着“献给金塔纳”。金塔纳是此书作者琼•狄迪恩的女儿。 2005年,琼•狄迪恩71岁那年,她唯一的女儿金塔纳因病离去。而就在两年前,她已经受过一次至亲的离开——她的丈夫在2003年突发心脏病去世。 《蓝夜》这本书...
评分 评分认识狄迪恩,是在《奇想之年》。 我被她惊吓到。 是的,是惊吓。她写丈夫猝然离世、女儿接连昏迷这些密集的重大打击,细微至极,读者尚心痛不忍,难以想象作者是如何回忆起那些点滴细节,再大悲大痛一场的。但她就能毫末不遗却又冷静克制,还能让你心中时时涌动着一股肆虐的暗...
评分我对译序大张旗鼓地渲染悲伤感到不适,虽然译者没有寻章摘句地对文本进行过度解读,但是“肝肠寸断”“黯然销魂”这些字眼用得如此触目惊心,主题揭示得太早,还未开篇,就已泪流。 关于“悼亡”“伤逝”的作品太多了,杨绛在《我们仨》文末引用的白居易的诗——大都好物不坚牢...
Blue Nights pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025