Xenophon's Symposium (Bryn Mawr Greek Commentaries)
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution
Xénophon. De l'art équestre
Xenophon the Socratic Prince
Xenophon and Sparta
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great
Xenophon on Government (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Xenophon's Socratic Discourse
Xenophon's Apology of Socrates (Bryn Mawr Greek Commentaries)
Xenophon Hellenica, Books 5-7 (1892)
Xenophon's Retreat
Xenophon's Retreat
Xenophon and the Art of Command
Xenophon, Oeconomicus
Xenophon and the History of His Times
Xenophon's Socrates
Xenophon on Government
Xenophon's Cyrus the Great
Xenophon VII Hiero. Agesilaus. Constitution of the Lacedaemonians. Ways and Means. Cavalry Commander. Art of Horsemanship. On Hunting. Constitution of the Athenians