圖書標籤: 史蒂芬·金 小說 時間旅行 美國 Stephen_King StephenKing 科幻 穿越
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11/22/63 is a novel by Stephen King about a time traveler who attempts to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy which occurred on November 22, 1963 (the date of the novel's title). The novel was announced on the author's official site on March 2, 2011.[1] A short excerpt was released online on June 1, 2011,[2] and another excerpt was published in the October 28, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly[3] The novel was published on November 8, 2011,[4] and quickly became a number-one bestseller. It stayed on the list for an additional seventeen weeks. 11/22/63 won the 2011 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller and the 2012 International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel,[5][6] and was nominated for the 2012 British Fantasy Award for Best Novel[7] and the 2012 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.[8]
The novel required deep research to accurately portray the late 1950s and early 1960s.[9] King commented on the amount of research it required, saying "I've never tried to write anything like this before. It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes."[9] The novel's time-travel premise marks it as science fiction, specifically the alternative history subgenre, although the extensive period research undertaken by King, dealing with real-life events and people between 1958 and 1963, gives it a strong feeling of historical fiction.
斯蒂芬‧金 Stephen King
Just gave Stephen King's 11/22/63 a bookshelf ceremony. Stevie is the first writer I read who made the Afterwords sexy. Long live the King!
評分Unnecessarily long and uncomfortably depressing. 因為對 time travel 有興趣纔讀的,事實證明一個有點意思的簡單概念無法撐起這樣一本厚書。
評分Finished and satisfied! Good travel of reading.
評分一开始奔着stephen king的名头去的,虽然之前看过他的书,但每次都是看到一半就歇了,这次也不意外。总是感觉他写的书无关的话好多。。。每次都是描写一些很无关紧要的东西,然后描述一些剧情,然后总是有点冗长。这次看了之后,感觉更胜,竟然变成了一个爱情小说。看了原著的2...
評分看完斯蒂芬·金的《11/22/63》这本书,脑海里突然蹦出一个问题:历史到底是谁在创造着呢?就像神创造了天地,盘古开天辟地。假设历史是某位神设定的,是不是也有一个重置按钮呢?如果真有那么一个神,我们这些地球生物存在于这个世界有何意义呢? 斯蒂芬·金选择将重置按钮交...
評分可能是最近记忆力不好, 看过才几个月就已经对这本书的情节和人物没太多映像了. 这不是一个单纯的穿越的故事, 如果一定要找神似的作品, 我大概能想到两个: 电影"蝴蝶效应"和游戏"Bioshock Infinite". 这更多是一个关于个人选择的故事: 时间穿梭, 平行宇宙. 故事本身没有太多新意...
評分历史的必然 个人的偶然 ——《11/22/63》书评 文/青禾 与以往的惊悚小说不同,这次,斯蒂芬·金讲述了一个时间旅行者在“过去”与“现在”两个时空中自由穿梭的故事,探讨了个人与历史的关系,“到底谁是历史的创造者”的深刻命题。 当然,对于这个命题的讨论...
11/22/63 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024