图书标签: 传记 英国 有声书 StephenFry Bios&Memoirs.Celeb audiobook Stephen_Fry Audiobook
Moab Is My Washpot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A fatuous, wasted, degenerate and wholly useless existence captured in delicate, lyrical and exquisitely realised prose. Lightly amusing anecdotes and tender reminiscences of the great men and women encountered during a rich, varied and rewarding lifetime, fondly remembered in the tranquil evening of a career of public service. The autobiography of a dizzying life fuelled by the lust for power and the search for ever more degrading downward paths of repulsive sexual adventuring and self-destructive debaucheries: the unrepentant libertine author seeks revenge on his many enemies and tears the lid off the private life of blameless churchmen and librarians. Fry's autobiography is all and none of these. Too old to rock and roll, too young to die, the author looks back with bruising frankness at his life so far.
评分仿佛油炸闲暇时与你讲年少八卦!wiki之类的地方读到他的经历可能会联想什么“浪子回头”,然而听完这本就能发现,根本就是仗着家境好+父母棒(教育一流、犯事了还有QC来捞人)+脑袋好使,而肆意任性的年少,还能顺当健康地走向成功。就仿佛天朝普通学校的所谓“好学生”,被偏爱的有恃无恐,恃才傲物,肆意大闹天宫。 油炸也是毫不遮掩,真实又残酷。哈哈 【不满意油炸的哈利,一直误认为他读书会慢到不能忍(广播剧除外)。险些错过!
评分Vomitorium 竟然真的是个词!!??
评分Vomitorium 竟然真的是个词!!??
I spent a week reading the autobiography of Stephen Fry, a comedian, an actor who played Oscar Wilde in Wilde, Jeeves in Jeeves and Wooster, and himself in a bit of Fry and Laurie, and also a writer of 3 novels. Although today he is a prominent, admirable ...
评分入坑晚,最近才爱上炸叔的。爱上就欲狂。疯了一样找所有的视频来看。三本自传都看了,虽然磕磕绊绊。第三本比较失望,前两本都很爱。略散漫,但是难以置信的诚实,有勇气,优美。摘抄了觉得有趣的部分内容。 stephen fry 小学的时候摔破了鼻子,当时没大事,之后却越来越左倾。...
评分入坑晚,最近才爱上炸叔的。爱上就欲狂。疯了一样找所有的视频来看。三本自传都看了,虽然磕磕绊绊。第三本比较失望,前两本都很爱。略散漫,但是难以置信的诚实,有勇气,优美。摘抄了觉得有趣的部分内容。 stephen fry 小学的时候摔破了鼻子,当时没大事,之后却越来越左倾。...
评分油炸叔的8岁至18岁,各种调皮胡闹和肆意妄为。最浪漫的一段当然是遇到M.O.,最引起我共鸣的却是在最后,16岁的Fry写信给25岁的自己:“What I am now is me, what I will be is a lie.”过去是异域,未来的自己也必将为陌路人。17岁企图自杀:"I had nothing to get up for in ...
评分入坑晚,最近才爱上炸叔的。爱上就欲狂。疯了一样找所有的视频来看。三本自传都看了,虽然磕磕绊绊。第三本比较失望,前两本都很爱。略散漫,但是难以置信的诚实,有勇气,优美。摘抄了觉得有趣的部分内容。 stephen fry 小学的时候摔破了鼻子,当时没大事,之后却越来越左倾。...
Moab Is My Washpot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025