圖書標籤: 2010s 非虛構 婚姻 基督教 兩性
Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
"Most people spend far more time in preparation for their vocation than they do in preparation for marriage,” No wonder the divorce rate hovers around fifty percent. Bestselling author and marriage counselor, Gary Chapman, hopes to change that with his newest book. Gary, with more than 35 years of counseling couples, believes that divorce is the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn the skills of working together as intimate teammates. So he put together this practical little book, packed with wisdom and tips that will help many develop the loving, supportive and mutually beneficial marriage men and women long for. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married. This is not a book simply to be read. It is a book to be experienced. The material lends itself to heart-felt discussions by dating or engaged couples. To jump-start the exchanges, each short chapter includes insightful “Talking it Over” questions and suggestions. And, the book includes information on interactive websites as well as books that will enhance the couples experience. Dr. Chapman even includes a thought-provoking appendix. By understanding and balancing the five key aspects of life, dating couples can experience a healthy dating relationship. A revealing learning exercise for dating couples is included at the end.
蓋瑞•查普曼博士(Dr.Gary Chapman)是享譽全球的婚戀輔導專傢,他的代錶作《愛的五種語言》曾長時間高居《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜榜首,全球熱銷400多萬冊。查普曼博士具有豐富的輔導經驗和專業的輔導技巧,在美國各地舉辦婚姻研習會,定期為已婚者做婚姻輔導,他的講座和書籍改變瞭無數人的傢庭生活。他也是國內已經翻譯齣版的暢銷書《愛的五種語言》及《兒童愛之語》《單身愛之語》《心靈之約》《道歉的五種語言》等書的作者。
評分不愧是享誉全球的的婚恋辅导专家,查普曼博士在此书从三个方面详细剖析了爱情的定义;什么是爱情,如何得到爱情,需要怎么去维护爱情?事实上现今很多人可能对爱情和激情的理解还不够明朗,这本婚姻辅导书会帮助读者认识到这两者的细致差别。 此书总体简单易懂,页面数...
評分协商 尊重 共识 在解决分歧中最常用的一个词就是“妥协”,但是妥协对婚姻来说,不但可说是积极的,而且还是非常必要的。它意味着寻求共识。它要求夫妻双方乐意放弃一些自我,从而保证婚姻的和谐。 幸福的婚姻永远不会是“按我的心意生活”,而是“按我们的心意生活”。...
評分协商 尊重 共识 在解决分歧中最常用的一个词就是“妥协”,但是妥协对婚姻来说,不但可说是积极的,而且还是非常必要的。它意味着寻求共识。它要求夫妻双方乐意放弃一些自我,从而保证婚姻的和谐。 幸福的婚姻永远不会是“按我的心意生活”,而是“按我们的心意生活”。...
Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025