图书标签: 美国研究 Pulitzer , 传记 Joseph
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Like Alfred Nobel, Joseph Pulitzer is better known today for the prize that bears his name than for his contribution to history. Yet, in nineteenth-century industrial America, while Carnegie provided the steel, Rockefeller the oil, Morgan the money, and Vanderbilt the railroads, Pulitzer ushered in the modern mass media. James McGrath Morris traces the epic story of this Jewish Hungarian immigrant's rise through American politics and into journalism where he accumulated immense power and wealth, only to fall blind and become a lonely, tormented recluse wandering the globe. But not before Pulitzer transformed American journalism into a medium of mass consumption and immense influence. As the first media baron to recognize the vast social changes of the industrial revolution, he harnessed all the converging elements of entertainment, technology, business, and demographics, and made the newspaper an essential feature of urban life. Pulitzer used his influence to advance a progressive political agenda and his power to fight those who opposed him. The course he followed led him to battle Theodore Roosevelt who, when President, tried to send Pulitzer to prison. The grueling legal battles Pulitzer endured for freedom of the press changed the landscape of American newspapers and politics. Based on years of research and newly discovered documents, Pulitzer is a classic, magisterial biography and a gripping portrait of an American icon.
●擅长写作传记和叙事性散文,曾经出版了埃塞尔•佩恩(Ethel Payne)、查尔斯•蔡平(Charles Chapin)等知名记者的传记。
●在成为一名全职作家前曾长期从事记者、编辑和教师工作。除著书外,莫瑞斯还为探讨如何改变世界出版和阅读现状的专栏“Type A”撰稿。
每一个新闻传播学的学生,大概都会对普利策这个名字如雷贯耳。记忆中开启这份学业的第一句话就是:倘若一个国家是一条航行在大海上的船,新闻记者就是船头的瞭望者。他要在一望无际的海面上观察一切,审视海上的不测风云和浅滩暗礁,及时发出警告。 “船头的瞭望者”是普利策给...
评分矛盾与突破 ——《普利策传》,传奇的双面人生 对于大多数喜欢文字的人来说,除了诺贝尔文学奖,普利策奖也是神一般值得膜拜的存在。而如果不去深究这个名字,其实大多数人是不了解普利策这个名字的来由的,也正是因为如此,《普利策传》的阅读也恰好能够帮助我们了解这传说中...
评分看完厚厚的一本《普利策传》,如果书中写实的话,普利策的一生就展现在我面前。知道普利策和美国新闻最高奖普利策奖不无关系,出于对新闻的热爱,我看了有关普利策的这本最新传记,想了解一下普利策的生平和普利策奖的由来。 书中没有设置悬念,一切娓娓道来,讲述了普利策...
评分看完厚厚的一本《普利策传》,如果书中写实的话,普利策的一生就展现在我面前。知道普利策和美国新闻最高奖普利策奖不无关系,出于对新闻的热爱,我看了有关普利策的这本最新传记,想了解一下普利策的生平和普利策奖的由来。 书中没有设置悬念,一切娓娓道来,讲述了普利策...
评分我必须说,读这本书之前,我仅仅知道普利策新闻奖,而关于普利策本人,关于普列策的历史贡献,我丝毫不知道!作者说“这是一种耻辱”!我想,这是双关语!无论是对普利策本人还是对所谓的学习汉语言、生活在传媒时代的我而言都是一种耻辱! 《普利策传——一代新闻大亨的传奇人...
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