圖書標籤: Haskell 函數式編程 programming Funtional.Programming 計算機 FP 編程 程序設計
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! is a fun, illustrated guide to learning Haskell, a functional programming language that's growing in popularity. Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! introduces programmers familiar with imperative languages (such as C++, Java, or Python) to the unique aspects of functional programming. Packed with jokes, pop culture references, and the author's own hilarious artwork, Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! eases the learning curve of this complex language, and is a perfect starting point for any programmer looking to expand his or her horizons. The well-known web tutorial on which this book is based is widely regarded as the best way for beginners to learn Haskell, and receives over 30,000 unique visitors monthly.
About the Author
Miran Lipovaca is a computer science student in Ljubljana, Slovenia. His online tutorial, "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!," is widely regarded as the best way to learn Haskell.
Miran Lipovaca is a computer science student in Ljubljana, Slovenia. His online tutorial, "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!," is widely regarded as the best way to learn Haskell.
讀完瞭fleurer大大翻譯齣來的前八章,對Haskell有瞭一個初步的瞭解,有空的時候考慮把剩下的看完。 書寫的很有趣味性
評分Decent enough in explaining the core concepts of FP with clarity and reasonable depth. Definitely better than the textbook Programming in Haskell. Lacks accompanying exercises though.
評分我讀過最好的Haskell入門。內容不如Real World Haskell豐富,沒有介紹網絡和數據庫等,但基礎內容全麵而且清晰易懂。Functor->Monoid->Monad的進階也是目前我覺得瞭解Monad最閤理的路徑。
評分好書,講得很細,但是有點墨跡,monad部分講解略顯薄弱,竟然沒有monad tranformation。時間充裕的話看看很好,如果稍微有些編程經驗的話可以直接看Real World Haskell,言簡意賅還實用。
最近我终于有一些空闲的时候,所以打算学点什么新鲜的东西。恰好有天看到 haskell 的介绍,它是一个纯粹的函数式编程语言,我熟悉的 C 语言是纯粹的命令式语言。所以如题目说的,我觉得学习一下 haskell 能收获许多吧 这本书我看的作者主页的版本,内容应该跟纸质书差...
評分我读过real world haskell的前五章,读的一头雾水,也许是水平没到家。但是,这本书作者的例子和讲解非常好,很适合入门阅读。作者也公开了online版本,有童鞋已经翻译了前8章,不过,书和online版本有些不同,例如,第7章module,online版本是列举了常用的list,char,map,se...
評分monad的引入个人感觉效果不是太好。 如果可以先介绍monad的数学定义,之后介绍Haskell中的定义monad的方法,并讨论这两种定义之间的联系(如通过return/join/fmap定义monad和通过return/bind(>>=)定义monad这两种方法之间的等价性),然后再通过大量的例子来展示monad在haskel...
評分强烈推荐,最好的Haskell入门书。入门但绝不肤浅,该讲的都讲到了,而且深入浅出。 网上有好多版本,建议找一个正式完整版的,较早的版本不完整,影响书的质量。 读完它再去看《Real World Haskell》,相信会功力大涨。 如果看了Haskell,突然对Category Theory的感兴趣了,...
評分我读过real world haskell的前五章,读的一头雾水,也许是水平没到家。但是,这本书作者的例子和讲解非常好,很适合入门阅读。作者也公开了online版本,有童鞋已经翻译了前8章,不过,书和online版本有些不同,例如,第7章module,online版本是列举了常用的list,char,map,se...
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024