Bought and Paid For pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A top reporter exposes the deep ties between the Obama administration and the big banks that are bankrupting our country.
As the recession continues, President Obama has chastised the "fat cats" who feast off government bailout money while unemployment remains high and smaller businesses struggle.
But according to Gasparino, Obama is faking his outrage, and his calls for new policies to rein in banks that are "too big to fail" are just pabulum. In reality, Obama has climbed into bed with Wall Street CEOs, giving them what they want so they will support his liberal, big-government agenda. As a result, the big banks responsible for the credit crisis get rescued, while small businesses and ordinary Americans get crushed by higher taxes and irresponsible spending.
Gasparino draws on interviews with dozens of key CEOs and political players to trace the roots of Wall Street's twisted love affair with one of the most liberal presidents in American history. He shows how, for decades, big banks and big business have colluded with big government, thereby laying the groundwork for today's shady dealings, and how the same bankers Obama now publically reprimands have supported him-not because he promises change, but because he promises business.
Written in Gasparino's characteristic smart yet no-nonsense style, this book is both an exposé and a wake-up call to all Americans to strike back against the people and policies that are ruining our country.
查尔斯·贾斯巴里诺(Charles Gasparino),美国知名财经记者和作家、揭露华尔街丑闻的第一人,毕业于美国密苏里大学新闻学院。
贾斯巴里诺目前是福克斯商业网(Fox Business Network)的资深记者,同时是《比斯特日报》(The Daily Beast)的专栏作家。他还经常为《纽约邮报》、《福布斯》和其他出版物撰写稿件。
此前,他曾出任CNBC有线电视新闻网站编辑,也曾是《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的资深记者,并担任过《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)记者。
贾斯巴里诺是第一位踢爆华尔街大骗局的名记者,曾著有畅销书《华尔街的污点︰华尔街股票分析师欺骗一代投资者的惊人内幕》(Blood On the Street: The Sensational Inside Story of How Wall)。
他的其他作品还包括《买空卖空:华尔街贪婪与政府失职毁灭全球金融系统》(The Sellout: How Three Decades of Wall Street Greed and Government Mismanagement Destroyed the Global Financial System),也是一本关于金融危机的著作。
贾斯巴里诺的另一部作品名为《纽交所之王:理查德·格拉索与纽约证交所的兴衰》(King of the Club:Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange)。
Bought and Paid For pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025