圖書標籤: 英國 曆史小說 都鐸王朝 小說 曆史 亨利八十 亨利八世 中世紀
The Boleyn Inheritance pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The year is 1539 and the court of Henry VIII is increasingly fearful at the moods of the ageing sick king. With only a baby in the cradle for an heir, Henry has to take another wife and the dangerous prize of the crown of England is won by Anne of Cleves.
She has her own good reasons for agreeing to marry a man old enough to be her father, in a country where to her both language and habits are foreign.
Although fascinated by the glamour of her new surroundings, she senses a trap closing around her. Katherine is confident that she can follow in the steps of her cousin Anne Boleyn to dazzle her way to the throne but her kinswoman Jane Boleyn, haunted by the past, knows that Anne’s path led to Tower Green and to an adulterer’s death.
The story of these three young women, trying to make their own way through the most volatile court in Europe at a time of religious upheaval and political uncertainty, is Philippa Gregory’s most compelling novel yet.
菲利帕· 格裏高利是一位全職作者及電颱、電視颱主持人,擁有愛丁堡大學十八世紀文學研究博士學位,尤其偏愛創作以都鐸王朝及16世紀英國為背景的小說,被稱作“曆史小說女王”。作品《另一個波琳傢的女孩》發行全球26個國傢,僅在英國就發行量破百萬。後被好萊塢搬上銀幕,由斯嘉麗· 約翰遜、娜塔莉· 波特曼以及艾瑞剋· 巴納等明星擔綱主演。菲利帕· 格裏高利的曆史小說係列仍在不斷更新中,每有新作麵世便長期占據美英各大暢銷書榜單前位,受到讀者廣泛好評。
该书是Philippa Gregory都铎王朝六部曲的第三部。情节主要从三个女性身上展开:克莱维斯的安妮,凯瑟琳·霍华德,简·博林。 前两个女人是亨利8的第四及第五任王后,简·博林则是一个历史上臭名昭著的告密者:正是她罗织了安妮·博林与亲哥哥乔治·博林通奸的罪名,将自己的丈...
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