The Extended Mind pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The ability to communicate through language is such a fundamental part of human existence that we often take it for granted, rarely considering how sophisticated the process is by which we understand and make ourselves understood. In The Extended Mind, acclaimed author Robert K. Logan examines the origin, emergence, and co-evolution of language, the human mind, and culture. Building on his previous study, The Sixth Language (2000) and making use of emergence theory, Logan seeks to explain how language emerged to deal with the complexity of hominid existence brought about by tool-making, control of fire, social intelligence, coordinated hunting and gathering, and mimetic communication. The resulting emergence of language, he argues, signifies a fundamental change in the functioning of the human mind - a shift from percept-based thought to concept-based thought. From the perspective of the Extended Mind model, Logan provides an alternative to and critique of Noam Chomsky's approach to the origin of language. He argues that language can be treated as an organism that evolved to be easily acquired, obviating the need for the hard-wiring of Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device. In addition Logan shows how, according to this model, culture itself can be treated as an organism that has evolved to be easily attained, revealing the universality of human culture as well as providing an insight as to how altruism might have originated. Bringing timely insights to a fascinating field of inquiry, The Extended Mind will be sure to find a wide readership.
羅伯特·洛根(Robert K.Logan,1939— ),加拿大物理學傢、傳播學傢,是麥剋盧漢思想圈子的核心成員、媒介環境學派第二代代錶人物,從事跨學科研究,曾擔任加拿大前總理皮埃爾·特魯多的科學顧問。其著作範圍橫跨物理學、傳播學、生物學、環境科學、語言學等。著有《字母錶效應:拼音文字與西方文明》《第五語言:學會在計算機時代生存》《第六語言:學會在互聯網時代生存》《心靈的延伸:語言、心靈和文化的濫觴》、《理解新媒介:延伸麥剋盧漢》《被誤讀的麥剋盧漢:如何矯正》《物理學的詩學》《什麼是語言》《圖書館的未來》等。《第六語言》2000年獲媒介環境學會蘇珊·朗格奬。
何道宽 一、奇人奇书,双璧生辉 罗伯特·洛根是麦克卢汉思想圈子在世的少许核心人物之一,乃传播学媒介环境学派第二代主将。和麦克卢汉一样,洛根是跨学科大家。但麦克卢汉主要是在人文社科里跨越,而洛根的跨度则更大,他横跨物理学、传播学、复杂理论、信息论、系统论、系统...
評分何道宽 一、奇人奇书,双璧生辉 罗伯特·洛根是麦克卢汉思想圈子在世的少许核心人物之一,乃传播学媒介环境学派第二代主将。和麦克卢汉一样,洛根是跨学科大家。但麦克卢汉主要是在人文社科里跨越,而洛根的跨度则更大,他横跨物理学、传播学、复杂理论、信息论、系统论、系统...
評分何道宽 一、奇人奇书,双璧生辉 罗伯特·洛根是麦克卢汉思想圈子在世的少许核心人物之一,乃传播学媒介环境学派第二代主将。和麦克卢汉一样,洛根是跨学科大家。但麦克卢汉主要是在人文社科里跨越,而洛根的跨度则更大,他横跨物理学、传播学、复杂理论、信息论、系统论、系统...
評分何道宽 一、奇人奇书,双璧生辉 罗伯特·洛根是麦克卢汉思想圈子在世的少许核心人物之一,乃传播学媒介环境学派第二代主将。和麦克卢汉一样,洛根是跨学科大家。但麦克卢汉主要是在人文社科里跨越,而洛根的跨度则更大,他横跨物理学、传播学、复杂理论、信息论、系统论、系统...
評分何道宽 一、奇人奇书,双璧生辉 罗伯特·洛根是麦克卢汉思想圈子在世的少许核心人物之一,乃传播学媒介环境学派第二代主将。和麦克卢汉一样,洛根是跨学科大家。但麦克卢汉主要是在人文社科里跨越,而洛根的跨度则更大,他横跨物理学、传播学、复杂理论、信息论、系统论、系统...
The Extended Mind pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025