圖書標籤: 羅馬史 皇帝 政治史 傳記
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The infamous emperor Caligula ruled Rome from A.D. 37 to 41 as a tyrant who ultimately became a monster. An exceptionally smart and cruelly witty man, Caligula made his contemporaries worship him as a god. He drank pearls dissolved in vinegar and ate food covered in gold leaf. He forced men and women of high rank to have sex with him, turned part of his palace into a brothel, and committed incest with his sisters. He wanted to make his horse a consul.Torture and executions were the order of the day. Both modern and ancient interpretations have concluded from this alleged evidence that Caligula was insane. But was he? This biography tells a different story of the well-known emperor. In a deft account written for a general audience, Aloys Winterling opens a new perspective on the man and his times. Basing Caligula on a thorough new assessment of the ancient sources, he sets the emperor's story into the context of the political system and the changing relations between the senate and the emperor during Caligula's time and finds a new rationality explaining his notorious brutality.
評分一個糾纏不清的政治結構:雙頭製;三場陰謀;四年短暫統治,有這幾個噱頭,早就足夠這部宮鬥大劇嶄露頭角瞭。Winterling對早期元首製時期的理論建構(英文論文集2009),在這部以敘述為主的皇帝傳記裏,得到瞭生動的展現。因為文本材料的敵對立場過於鮮明,作者幾乎是憑藉其眼力將字字句句過瞭一遍篩,然後把事件放到它應該所在的位置上去(在還原Suetonius的片段史料時體現得極為明顯)。當然既然提到曆史文本的撲朔迷離,就不得不提學者們的各種爭議,這一點這本書隻有很少的體現(作者在後序中提到);在這一方麵A. Barrett那本老的傳記(15年又有新版)則在英語世界仍然不可或缺。
Caligula pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024