Medical-Surgical Nursing pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Cutting-edge, ewdence-based content covers the core body of knowledge for medical-surgucal nursing all m one easy-to-understane reader-friendly textDook Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care takes a umaue collaborativeapproach to tire nu[slno care of adults ano orovides the balanced, need-to-know mtormabon yOU neea for safe clinical oractlceUNIQUEI Get Ready for the NCLEX Exammatvon! secbons orovlde you with a comprenensbve rewew of wnat you neeo to KnowtO pass the BoardsUNIQUE! Patient-Centered Collaborabve Care secbons approach medica surgical nursing, and otl]er ntervenhons from a nursingperspective, helping you understand your role on the interdisciplinary care tearm.UNIOUEI Decisuon-Makmg Cbatlenges and NC[EX Exammataon Cballenges present real-hfe clinical scenanos and thought-provoking questions that will challenge you to apply the skills empllasized on the Boards.UNIQUE/Learning Outcomes organized by NCLEX Client Needs Categories help you focus your limited study timeon tire content that nlatters most.Companion CDContains more than 1000 interactive NCLEX Examination-style Self-Assessment Questions, with rationales for both correctand incorrect answers An Audio Glossary of pronunciations and definitions for key terms 35 physiology and pathophysiologyAnimations——many in vivid 3D And more than 40 Health Assessment Video Clips!Evolve Online ResourcesConvenient online access to all of the learning tools on the Companion CD. plus:425 interactive NCLEX Examination style Prioritization and Delegation Questions with rationales 300 Pharmacology RewewQuestions with rationales 76 ALidio Key Points with integrated quizzesavailable for download to MP3 players. CD players.or computers And much moretClinical Decision-Making Study GuideStrengthen your understanding of key content in all areas of medical-surgical nursing! With an emphasis on critical thinking andclinical decision making, this study guide features NCLEX' Examination-style review questions and answers: additional assessment.prioritization, and delegation questions: and more!SoldseparatelyClinical CompanionPrepare for clinical days with this portable, updated guide to more than 240 common medical-surgical conditions and theirmanagement. It features a convenient A-to-Z organization, Critical Rescue and Clinical Landmine ale,is, an easy-to-read writing styleand content that mirrors the coverage in the textbook.ISBN 978 1 4160 5199 3 SoldsepatatelvEvolve Virtual Clinical ExcursionsGet real-world clinical experience anytime, anywhere! This workbook/simulation program creates a safe virtual enwronment in whichyou can gain experience in critical thininking and decision making.
Medical-Surgical Nursing pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025