Dead Souls pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"Dead Souls" is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He begins by spending beyond his means on the premise that he can impress the local officials and gain standing and connections in the community that will give him the capacity to live easily into the future. At the heart of his plan is the idea of acquiring "dead souls" or more explicitly serfs of landowners who have died since the last census. Since the taxes of landowners are based upon the number of serfs that they employ, Chichikov believes that the landowners will be all too happy to part with these "dead souls." A satirical gem, Gogol's "Dead Souls" exemplifies his particular gift of exhibiting the true failings of humanity in all their absurdity.
果戈理(Н.В. Гоголъ, 1809-1852)是俄国批判现实主义文学界的奠基人,被车尔尼雪夫斯基称之为“俄罗斯散文之父”。他出生于乌克兰一个不太富裕 的地主家庭。他所处的19世纪上半期,正是俄国农奴制瓦解和资本主义生产关系发展的时期。1830年开始了他的创作生涯年,第一部浪漫主义故事集《狄康卡近乡夜话》,引起了当时进步文学界的注意,1835年,发表了中篇小说集《密尔格拉德》和《彼得堡的故事》,给作者带来了声誉。在描写“小人物”悲惨命运方面的作品中,以《狂人日记》、《外套》最有代表性。1836年发表了讽刺喜剧《钦差大臣》,以现实主义手法,深刻而无情地揭露了官僚集团恣意横行,违法乱纪的丑恶面貌,获得了惊人的成功。1842年发表的《死魂灵》,辛辣地讽刺、暴露了地主阶级的贪婪和残暴,描绘了一幅丑恶、腐朽的专制农奴制画卷。
评分——“如果你的脸是歪斜的,责怪镜子是没用的。” 尼古莱·果戈理(Nikolai Gogol),于1809年出生于乌克兰波尔塔瓦索罗庆采,于1852年去世。曾就读于波尔塔瓦省涅仁高级科学中学。代表作:《死魂灵》、《钦差大臣》、《外套》等。 (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B0%BC%E...
评分 评分果戈里《死魂灵》大概主要故事就是以主人公乞乞科夫到N城购买死农奴即死去的农奴转让名单为主线,展现了沙皇俄国时候的地主群像。揭示了庸俗、贪婪而狡诈的权贵阶层。 一、叙事方法 作者用讽刺的手法叙写了一件荒唐可笑的事,作者着重刻画了地主和官吏两类人物。他笔下的这些人...
评分Dead Souls pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025