Tranquility pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
" Tranquility is a moving, emotionally complex, subtle, shocking novel …" Los Angeles Times Tranquility , the acclaimed third novel by Hungarian Attila Bartis, is simultaneously a private psychodrama and a portrait of the end of the Communist era. Reading it, we arrive at ourselves, at our own obsessions, in our own silence,” writes Ilma Rakusa. A thirty-six-year-old writer struggles to escape his hellish, Oedipal inter dependency with his actress mother as Hungary’s Communist infrastructure collapses around him. One of the most psychologically dark and ironic novels to have emerged from contemporary Hungarian literature, it is also, as far as human psychology and political farce are concerned, one of the most illuminating. Attila Bartis has been hailed by Hungarian readers as a maverick, unorthodox, and highly inventive postmodern writer. Tranquility is his first novel to appear in English. Imre Goldstein has translated dozens of books and plays from the Hungarian. He is currently translating a three-volume novel by Péter Nádas.
餘澤民,翻譯傢,作傢。1989年畢業於北京醫科大學臨床醫學係,後在中國音樂學院音樂學係攻讀藝術心理學碩士。1991年赴匈牙利,現定居布達佩斯 。中國作傢協會會員,北京作傢協會會員。翻譯凱爾泰斯•伊姆萊的《英國旗》《命運無常》《另一個人》《船夫日記》,艾斯特哈茲•彼得的《赫拉巴爾之書》《一個女人》,德拉古曼•久爾吉的《摘鬱金香的男孩》等。著有長篇小說《狹窄的天光》、中篇小說集《匈牙利舞麯》、文化散文《咖啡館裏看歐洲》、《歐洲醉行》、《歐洲的另一種色彩》等。
怀着非常闹心的情绪读完了《宁静海》。 本来我的生活十分平静,甚至有些平庸——朝九晚五,周末出去与朋友小聚,或者跟老婆出去买菜,回来打打牙祭。这种生活有些平淡,却也时常有些小惊喜,小幸福,小清新。对于突然闯入生活的这本《宁静海》,我实在是感到有些别扭。 并不是...
評分 評分在文学文本的诸多写作手法里,心理描写一直不是很能与我的阅读体验达到完美契合的一种,所谓心理描写几乎是司空见惯的被应用在任何作品里,只要在对话的停顿处加一个想,或者想的内容,仿佛就应该算做心理描写,但是我这里指的不能契合的心理描写并非此种较为传统的代入式的描...
Tranquility pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025