图书标签: 英文 JeffreyArcher fiction
Paths of Glory pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Some people have dreams that are so magnificent that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. But what if one man had such a dream...and once he'd fulfilled it, there was no proof that he had achieved his ambition?This is the story of such a man: George Mallory. He once told an American reporter that he wanted to climb Mt. Everest "because it's there." On his third attempt in 1924, at age thirty-seven, he was last seen six hundred feet from the top. His body was found in 1999. And it still remains a mystery whether he ever reached the summit
杰弗里·阿切尔生于1940年。迄今为止,他已经有25部作品出版,累积销量超过1.3亿。他曾11次荣登《星期日泰晤士报》畅销作者排名榜第一位,他的作品为他带来了巨大的经济收益和声誉,是国际知名畅销书作家。杰弗里·阿切尔还有非常传奇的个人经历,他曾经在政治上辉煌一时,又曾亲历四年的牢狱生涯,1992年女王诞辰纪念日,阿切尔还受封为爵位不能世袭的终身贵族,本身就可谓就是一个传奇人物。 事实上,《华盛顿邮报》称他为“可以与亚历山大·大仲马相提并论的叙事者”,《星期日邮报》则评价他为“我们这个时代最伟大的叙事者和小说家。”
喜欢那句:原来我花了这么长的时间才发现,你比我的生命还重要。 人总是要在离开的时候才发现,很多值得珍惜的东西就在身边,但是当你再也抓不住的时候,才开始后悔没有珍惜。可是,为什么不早发现一点呢?
评分1、乔治没爬过威尼斯的圣马可教堂和巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,这是肯定的。虽然他小时候在家里时为了偷跑出去爬过屋顶,在学校时也上过墙,但这不代表他成年后会在大庭广众之下去做爬圣马可和埃菲尔铁塔这样噱头的事情并给他人制造麻烦。 2、Archer写乔治在索姆河战役中“受伤”入院...
评分This was my first book by Archer and I liked it though it was nothing incredibly special. I had previously never heard of George Mallory and his attempts to ascend Everest in the 1920’s so I do not know how accurate this work of fiction on his life ulti...
评分This was my first book by Archer and I liked it though it was nothing incredibly special. I had previously never heard of George Mallory and his attempts to ascend Everest in the 1920’s so I do not know how accurate this work of fiction on his life ulti...
评分Paths of Glory pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025