Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire

Guiliano, Mireille
Simon & Schuster UK

图书标签: women  管理  myth  french   

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Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024


This is a book about life, how to make the most of it, how to find your balance when you are working long days and trying to be happy and fulfilled. Mireille Guiliano has written the kind of book she wishes she had been given when starting out in the business world and had at hand along the way. She draws on her own experiences at the forefront of women in business to offer lessons, stories, helpful hints - and even recipes! - that can make the working world a happier and more satisfying part of a well-balanced life. Mireille talks about style, communication skills, risk taking, leadership, etiquette, mentoring, personal relationships and much more, all from a perspective of three decades in business. This book is about helping women (and a few men, peut-etre) feel good about themselves, being challenged and engaged in our working lives, and always looking for pleasure in every single day.

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As much as I appreciate tips given in the book, I'm so sick of the author's constant "I'm so smart and awesome, everyone I mentored has become the CEO of another corporate and the poor guy working for someone else became a loser." I'm so sick that I had to put down the book every two pages.


As much as I appreciate tips given in the book, I'm so sick of the author's constant "I'm so smart and awesome, everyone I mentored has become the CEO of another corporate and the poor guy working for someone else became a loser." I'm so sick that I had to put down the book every two pages.


As much as I appreciate tips given in the book, I'm so sick of the author's constant "I'm so smart and awesome, everyone I mentored has become the CEO of another corporate and the poor guy working for someone else became a loser." I'm so sick that I had to put down the book every two pages.


As much as I appreciate tips given in the book, I'm so sick of the author's constant "I'm so smart and awesome, everyone I mentored has become the CEO of another corporate and the poor guy working for someone else became a loser." I'm so sick that I had to put down the book every two pages.


As much as I appreciate tips given in the book, I'm so sick of the author's constant "I'm so smart and awesome, everyone I mentored has become the CEO of another corporate and the poor guy working for someone else became a loser." I'm so sick that I had to put down the book every two pages.







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Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024





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