图书标签: 中國歷史 道教 军事 mair
The Art of War pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Compiled during the Warring States period of 475-221 B.C.E., The Art of War has had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese military strategy over the past two thousand years and occupies an important place in East Asian intellectual history. It is the first known attempt to formulate a rational basis for the planning and conduct of military operations, and while numerous editions of the work exist, Victor Mair's translation is the first to remain true to the original structure and essential style of the text. Mair's fidelity to the original, along with his insightful commentary and reliance on archaeologically recovered manuscripts, breaks new ground in solving The Art of War's difficult textual and contextual problems. He confronts complex questions concerning the authorship of the work, asserting that Sun Wu, a supposed strategist of the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 B.C.E.) to whom the text is traditionally attributed, never existed. Instead, Mair claims that The Art of War coalesced over a period of around seventy-five years, from the middle of the fourth century to the first quarter of the third century B.C.E. Mair also reveals the way The Art of War reflects historical developments in technological and military strategy in civilizations throughout Eurasia, especially in regards to iron metallurgy. He demonstrates the close link between the philosophy in The Art of War and Taoism and discusses the reception of the text from the classical period to today. Finally, Mair highlights previously unaddressed stylistic and statistical aspects and includes philological annotations that present new ways of approaching the intellectual and social background of the work. A phenomenal achievement, Mair's comprehensive translation is an indispensable resource for today's students, strategists, and scholars.
Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu or Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese military strategist believed to be the author of the acclaimed military text, The Art of War. Details about Sun Tzu s background and life are uncertain, although he is believed to have lived c. 544-496 BCE. Through The Art of War, Sun Tzu s theories and strategies have influenced military leaders and campaigns throughout time, including the samurai of ancient and early-modern Japan, and more recently Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Cong and American generals Norman Swarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell during the Persian Gulf War in the 1990s.
Victor Mair is a graduate of Dartmouth College, the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, and Harvard University. He is professor of Chinese language and literature at the University of Pennsylvania and is the founder and editor of Sino-Platonic Papers, an academic journal that examines diverse aspects of Chinese language, script, and culture, paying particular attention to historical relationships with other societies in Eurasia. For the past two decades, he has led a major international investigation of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age peoples of Eastern Central Asia, a project that has resulted in numerous publications and several films. His Columbia books include The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature and The Columbia History of Chinese Literature.
与外国人交流发现是近年来在国外比较火的书,也可作为推荐给外国人了解中国思维,破除中国威胁论的恐惧的一本书。 其中introduction部分就将《孙子兵法》与道教做比较,'《道德经》is a manual for the wuwei-minded ruler,《孙子兵法》is a handbook for the wuwei-minded general.' 'War is only the last resort and must be short and decisive, with the least possible loss of life and waste of resources.'
评分与外国人交流发现是近年来在国外比较火的书,也可作为推荐给外国人了解中国思维,破除中国威胁论的恐惧的一本书。 其中introduction部分就将《孙子兵法》与道教做比较,'《道德经》is a manual for the wuwei-minded ruler,《孙子兵法》is a handbook for the wuwei-minded general.' 'War is only the last resort and must be short and decisive, with the least possible loss of life and waste of resources.'
评分与外国人交流发现是近年来在国外比较火的书,也可作为推荐给外国人了解中国思维,破除中国威胁论的恐惧的一本书。 其中introduction部分就将《孙子兵法》与道教做比较,'《道德经》is a manual for the wuwei-minded ruler,《孙子兵法》is a handbook for the wuwei-minded general.' 'War is only the last resort and must be short and decisive, with the least possible loss of life and waste of resources.'
评分与外国人交流发现是近年来在国外比较火的书,也可作为推荐给外国人了解中国思维,破除中国威胁论的恐惧的一本书。 其中introduction部分就将《孙子兵法》与道教做比较,'《道德经》is a manual for the wuwei-minded ruler,《孙子兵法》is a handbook for the wuwei-minded general.' 'War is only the last resort and must be short and decisive, with the least possible loss of life and waste of resources.'
评分与外国人交流发现是近年来在国外比较火的书,也可作为推荐给外国人了解中国思维,破除中国威胁论的恐惧的一本书。 其中introduction部分就将《孙子兵法》与道教做比较,'《道德经》is a manual for the wuwei-minded ruler,《孙子兵法》is a handbook for the wuwei-minded general.' 'War is only the last resort and must be short and decisive, with the least possible loss of life and waste of resources.'
最近看到历史频道解读孙子兵法的节目中讲,较之传统上攻城掠地,殊死杀伐以求威名荣耀,类似象棋的战争理念,孙子兵法更像在下围棋:一盘棋,表面看去风起云涌,实际上却可以不杀一子,以最小的消耗寻求最大的利益。All in all, Sun Tzu cared nothing but victory 于是赶紧上...
评分百 年 潮 1999年第5期 《郭化若与孙子兵法》 作者:周尝棕 在郭化若被划为“托派”时,毛泽东坚持重用他 郭化若怎么研究起孙子兵法来的?他在回忆录中谈到过此事的经过—— “1937年底,我在中央党校学习结业后,张闻天同志对我说:‘你的工作分配问题我们不考...
评分最近刚研读孙子兵法,略有感发,孙子兵法讲的带兵打仗,知己知彼,知天知地,知胜知败,知利知变,胜敌益强,本质上是讲管战略,管理,博弈。当然,学以致用,才是目的;灵活变通,方为真知。 在竞争环境中,兵法是十分有用的。但必须知道,在现实工作生活中,除了竞争夺利,还...
评分常言道:“人在江湖,身不由己。”一旦踏上工作岗位,绝巧弃利,不争之德便成了虚幻的理想,我们急需孙子兵法来武装自己,不求雄霸天下,只求不为人欺。 首先,我们必须审度三个方面的情况:一是法规,二是潮流,三是人际。法规包括国家的各项律条和单位的规章制度。“...
The Art of War pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025