圖書標籤: 工業工程 生産與運作分析 IE 教材 供應鏈 美國 生産運作與分析 專業書籍
生産與運作分析 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
《生産與運作分析(第6版)(影印版)》講述瞭:國際著名學者Steven Nahmias所著《生産與運作分析》一書,現已齣到瞭第6版,以其翔實、精深的內容和嚴謹的體係著稱,被諸多國際著名大學的工業工程科係選為骨乾教材。該書內容涵蓋瞭生産與運作係統和過程的各個方麵,包括戰略與競爭、預測、綜閤計劃、對已知需求與不確定需求的庫存控製、供應鏈管理、推動式與牽引式生産控製係統、作業調度等方麵。書中的論述條理清晰,易於被學生接受;擁有大量實際案例,特彆是提供瞭一係列精彩的精簡應用(Snapshot Application)實例,為學生提供學以緻用的模闆。在每章的開頭,說明瞭學習目的與學習重點。書中例題與習題數量較多,且由淺入深,可引導學生舉一反三,對鞏固知識、培養能力頗有裨益。
Steven Nahmias is Professor of Operations and Management Information Systems in the Leavey School of Business and Administration at Santa Clara University.He holds a B.A.in Mathematics and Physics from Queens College,a B.S.in Industrial Engineering from Columbia University,and M.S.and Ph.D.degrees in Operations Research from Northwestern University.He has also served on the faculties of the University of Pittsburgh,Georgia Tech,and Stanford University.
Dr.Nahmias is widely known for his research on stochastic inventory models and has authored or co-authored more than 50 scientific articles which have appeared in a variety of national and international journals.He has served as area editor of Supply Chain Logistics for Operations Research,associate editor for Management Science,senior editor for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,and is currently associate editor for Naval Research Logistics.He received first prize in the 39th Nicholson Student Paper Competition (1971),second prize in the TIMS Student Paper Competition (1972),and is the recipient of The University Award for Sustained Excel lence in Scholarship from Santa Clara University (1998).
In addition to his academic activities,Dr.Nahmias has served as a consultant to a variety of firms and agencies including Litton Industries,Xerox Corporation,IBM Corporation,LEX Automotive,and the Department of Transportation of Santa Clara County.Among his several hobbies,he enjoys golf,biking,and plays jazz trumpet with several bands in the Bay Area.
生産與運作分析 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025