图书标签: 第三次浪潮 社会学 Non-fiction
Third Wave pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In a time when terrorists play death-games with hostages,
as currencies careen amid rumors of a third World War, as
embassies flame and storm troopers lace up their boots in
many lands, we stare in horror at the headlines. The price of
goldfthat sensitive barometer of fear--breaks all records.
Banks tremble. Inflation rages out of control. And the gov-
crnments of the world are reduced to paralysis or imbecility.
Faced with all this, a massed chorus of Cassandras fills the
air with doom-song. The proverbial man in the street says
the world has "gone mad," while the expert points to all the
trends leading toward catastrophe.
This book offers a sharply different view.
It contends that the world has not swerved into lunacy, and
that, in fact, beneath the clatter and jangle of seemingly
senseless events there lies a startling and potentially hopeful
pattern. This book is about that pattern and that hope.
The Third Wave is for those who think the human story,
far from ending, has only just begun.
A powerful tide is surging across much of the world today,
creating a new, often bizarre, environment in which to work,
play, marry, raise children, or retire. In this bewildering con-
text, businessmen swim against highly erratic economic cur-
rents; politicians see their ratings bob wildly up and down;
universities, hospitals, and other institutions battle desperately
against inflation. Value systems splinter and crash, while the
lifeboats of family, church, and state, are hurled madly about.
Looking at these violent changes, we can regard them as
国家崩溃的观点我是支持的,但其“电子家庭”的设想是失败的。作者是个家庭主义者,但政治经济学方面似乎并不很巩固,没有理解家庭产生与消亡的历史过程。 这是三十年前的著作,具有相当的前瞻性。现在依旧不乏其价值。
评分暑假老师要求看阿尔文·托夫勒的两部关于未来学的作品《第三次浪潮》与《未来的冲击》。哎,实在是太枯燥辣,咬着牙看完《第三次浪潮》就不想再看另一本了。 但《第三次浪潮》这本书还是挺有意思的。虽然晦涩乏味,作者托夫勒在70年代对二十一世纪的某些预测...
评分没细读,大致翻了一下。 这本书是20年前写的。但里面的内容用现在的眼光看也很难找到落伍之处。 如果要看未来,不仅仅要考虑科技,还要考虑文化,科技发展之后的人的变化,再考虑这变化给文化,科技,社会反过来的作用。 真复杂,这事还是教给这书去解释吧。 不错,我们正...
评分这是一本未来学名著,但是我以为它的价值并不仅仅在于未来。 “核心家庭”、大学的出现,这些在工业社会中应需要产生的东西为什么产生,我觉得这种思考是最重要的。至于未来是什么,那是另外一回事。 用看未来的眼光看世界,就能够坦然面对今天的动荡。毕竟,世界不曾宁静。
Third Wave pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025