圖書標籤: GuyDelisle Delisle
PYONGYANG pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Pyongyang nos permitirá descubrir cómo es la vida en Corea del Norte vista por un dibujante canadiense que se marcha a trabajar como supervisor de dibujos animados europeos realizados en la capital norcoreana. Estamos ante un libro que refleja de forma magistral el día a día en uno de los regímenes totalitarios más cerrados del mundo. Las sorprendentes anécdotas que cuenta el autor, sirven de contrapunto frente al horror de la dictadura. Pyongyang es un reportaje apasionante realizado por un autor dotado de una mirada aguda y nada complaciente.
Guy Delisle llevó a Corea el 1984 de George Orwell que da a leer a su intérprete. Pyongyang es una visión realista de un país en el que la pesadilla de Orwell se ha convertido en realidad, pero todo ello tratado desde la rigurosidad del periodista, la perplejidad de un occidental y la ironía de un viajero curtido.
Guy Delisle (born January 19, 1966) is a comic book author from Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He studied animation at Sheridan College in Oakville, near Toronto, and then worked for the animation studio CinéGroupe in Montreal. He later worked for different studios in Canada, Germany, France, China and North Korea.
His experiences as a supervisor of animation work by studios in Asia were recounted in two graphic novels, Shenzhen (2000) and Pyongyang (2003). The two books, Delisle's most famous work, were first published in French by the independent bande dessinée publisher L'Association. They have been translated into many languages, including English, German, Italian, Polish, Czech and Spanish.
He is married to a Médecins Sans Frontières administrator.[1] With her, he made a trip to Myanmar (Burma) in 2005, which is recounted in Chroniques Birmanes (2007).[2] (translated into English as Burma Chronicles). In the summer of 2009, they completed a one year stay in Jerusalem, Israel, again with Médecins Sans Frontières.[3]
在非常偶然的情况下,我在一个在线漫画网上看到这部漫画,第一时间吸引我的,正是那怪异的封面(其实是平壤某精英少年乐团在表演),那种线条和色调,让我想起《皮尔斯姐妹》,我猜想,这肯定是一本“丑化”朝鲜的漫画…… 进去一看,原来是讲加拿大漫画家盖·德利斯勒(Guy D...
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評分在非常偶然的情况下,我在一个在线漫画网上看到这部漫画,第一时间吸引我的,正是那怪异的封面(其实是平壤某精英少年乐团在表演),那种线条和色调,让我想起《皮尔斯姐妹》,我猜想,这肯定是一本“丑化”朝鲜的漫画…… 进去一看,原来是讲加拿大漫画家盖·德利斯勒(Guy D...
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PYONGYANG pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025