图书标签: 传记 量子力学 Dirac 物理 狄拉克 Physics Paul_Dirac 物理学
The Strangest Man pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Paul Dirac was among the great scientific geniuses of the modern age. One of the discoverers of quantum mechanics, the most revolutionary theory of the past century, his contributions had a unique insight, eloquence, clarity, and mathematical power. His prediction of antimatter was one of the greatest triumphs in the history of physics. One of Einstein’s most admired colleagues, Dirac was in 1933 the youngest theoretician ever to win the Nobel Prize in physics. Dirac’s personality is legendary. He was an extraordinarily reserved loner, relentlessly literal-minded and appeared to have no empathy with most people. Yet he was a family man and was intensely loyal to his friends. His tastes in the arts ranged from Beethoven to Cher, from Rembrandt to Mickey Mouse. Based on previously undiscovered archives, The Strangest Man reveals the many facets of Dirac’s brilliantly original mind. A compelling human story, The Strangest Man also depicts a spectacularly exciting era in scientific history.
作者简介:格雷姆•法米罗(Graham Farmelo ),毕业于剑桥大学理论物理专业,伦敦科学博物馆的高级研究员,英国东北大学物理系的兼职教授。
译者简介:兰 梅,北京人,外交学院外交英语专业和澳大利亚Charles Sturt大学毕业;曾任职于中华人民共和国外交部和意大利蒙塞拉特基金会北京办事处。近年从事展览与文化项目策划并主持艺术与科学跨学科交流机构“关係社”www.guanxihouse.org,主要译著有《量子怪杰:保罗•狄拉克传》 《向死而生:莱昂内大传》等。
审校者简介:季燕江, 北京人,执教于北京科技大学理论物理系,曾在美国华盛顿特区进修,讲授量子力学,多体理论,自然科学史等课程。对科学论文的开放获取(open access)及科学文化感兴趣,曾创办国内第一个开放获取平台——奇迹文库http://www.qiji.cn/eprint,是网络版“量子物理教程”的编写者,此次慷慨拨冗审校本书的专业概念和术语,贡献良多。
评分He may well have thought that the idea was too beautiful to be wrong狄拉克记不住人脸,只好在心里一个个地给他们建等式也太好笑了
评分there's no God and Dirac is the prophet
评分Renormalization is the sin of high energy physics, in some sense.
评分there's no God and Dirac is the prophet
五星,传记类,适合浏览。看过的最有趣的科学家传记。狄拉克应该就是生活大爆炸里Sheldon的原型吧,一个内向的孤僻的缺根筋的天才,所以他与正常人交流时的思维错位才留下那么多广为流传的逸闻趣事,让人读的时候忍俊不禁。 但在笑过之后,也有两个很深刻的印象:1、每个科学家...
评分 评分作为量子理论的创立者之一,保罗•狄拉克的名字如雷贯耳。但人们又对这个寡言少语、人情冷漠的怪人知之甚少。这既是他的个性使然,另一方面恐怕也是由于一直以来缺少一本能全面反映其生活的传记。格雷厄姆•法梅洛(Graham Farmelo)的这本狄拉克传正是补上了这个空白,为...
评分Paul Dirac的传记,本来想当八卦书,周末随便看看,结果一个周末看得天昏地暗,看得好抑郁,以至于要出去take a long stroll来发泄一下抑郁的心情。 散步,也是Dirac喜欢的方式。当他生气的时候 - "Dirac was angry, too, but showed his emotion only by withdrawing into co...
The Strangest Man pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025