Medical-surgical Nursing pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
his seventh edition ot Shafi r s Medical-Surgi-
Jl. cal Nursing has been revised taking inlo ac-
~t the changes h t medical and nursing practice since the
~t edition. At the same time, an attempt was made to pre-
~e the paRent-centered approach of previous editions,
~eh has been valued by students, thculty, and practicing
irses who have used this text in the past.
~e tbrmat of the book has been reorganized into five
aliens: Health and Illness, Systematic Approaches to Med-
l-Surgical Nursing, Common Problems Encountered in
~Cal-Surgical Patients. Nursing Care of Persons with
~ific Medical-Surgical Problems, and Numing Acutely
~d Injured Persons. There are six new chapters in this
ilion: Health and Disease, Wellness and Illness and Sex-
ltty in Health and Illness in Section One; Nursing Pro-
B: An Overview and Quality Assurance Programs to
~uate Nursing Care in Section Two; Death and Dying in
~lion Three. and Critical Care Nursing in Section Five.
~addition, new reformation on mlmunology has been in-
~lded in Chapter 3.
{ ~hapters that appeared in previmls editions have been
ated and revised to include additional information on pa-
~lt assessment and on nursing measures used in the man-
agement of persons with specific problems. To fimflitate
ease in reading, Sections Four and I,ive are written ill a
nursing process fbnnat.
To assure that this edition reflects current practice and
flllure trends m nursing, many experts have contributed to
this tvvision. We are gratefld to these experts and others
who reviewed parts of the text and made helpflfl comments.
We also wish to thank the illustrators whose drawings
appear in this book: james T. Suchy and Ellen Sands of
Cleveland arm Jeanne Robertson and Pat Fallen of St. Louis.
Our special thanks go to May Spence and Susan Cal-
houn of Seattle and Kathy Long, Holly Cook, and June
Nailer of Durham, who typed parts of the manuscript, and
to Janet Mitchell and Sondra Patrizi of Cleveland for their
considerable help and support with the major preparation of
the lnanusetqpt.
We trust that the information presented in this edition
will assist nurses to provide the best possible care to patients
and clients.
Wilma J. Phipps
Barbara C. Long
Nancy Fugate Woods
Medical-surgical Nursing pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025