图书标签: 小说 美国 政治 外国文学 英文原版 文学 原版
The Reluctant Fundamentalist pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"If a book had to be praised for its merits in defining the anxieties of our post-9/11 society, then Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist would be the one to win" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"I read Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist with increasing admiration. It is beautifully written - what a joy it is to find such intelligent prose, such clarity of thought and exposition - and superbly constructed. The author has managed to tighten the screw of suspense almost without our being aware it is happening, and the result is a tale of enormous tension. I read a lot of thrillers - or rather I start reading a lot of thrillers, and put most of them down - but this is more exciting than any thriller I've read for a long time, as well as being a subtle and elegant analysis of the state of our world today. I was enormously impressed" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"An elegant, artful, haunting novella - a deceptively simple narrative that is in fact deeply ambiguous" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"From the start, I was gripped...There's an almost delightful allegorical symmetry to the flow of events, as well as a sensuousness and finish that might belong to some other form of art: music, perhaps...Hamid manages marvellously well in creating a novel that's rendered entirely in terms of the spoken word, and governed by the shape of what's evaded or not uttered" --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
"A fantastic piece of work, superbly considered and controlled, with a lovely stillness and wisdom at its heart"
--This text refers to the Paperback edition.
莫欣·哈米德(1971— ),出生于巴基斯坦第二大城市拉合尔,后进入美国普林斯顿大学主修公共与国际事务,毕业后入哈佛大学法学院深造,一九九七年获得法律博士学位。之后在纽约曼哈顿的财务管理公司担任管理顾问。现居伦敦。
二○○○年出版处女作《蛾烟》(Moth Smoke),获得贝蒂·特拉斯克奖并入围美国笔会海明威文学奖,被《纽约时报》选为年度好书。二○○七年出版《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》,入围布克奖最终决选。
边缘的自语,还是沉默的对抗? ——读《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》 茶馆,与我似乎已不是一个时代的事物,看着吴家林所拍摄云南那些茶馆的景象,我总觉得一种错过的可惜。然而在我第一次听说这本小说的时候,并没有产生要阅读的渴...
评分 评分《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》:于美国梦魇中化茧成蝶 范典/文 书很薄,份量却颇重,有一种简单的形式上的对照,同时,也使得故事的叙述在形式上体现了“戏剧性”。看似从一而终的个人絮叨,却有明确的叙述对象,及针对的目标。就像很多异乡人远离故土身置他国异域所要厘清的“身份...
评分和陌生人闲聊其实很安全,时空、利益都无交集。那要和一个疑似敌人的在一起,就得担心自己的小命了。 莫欣-哈米德试图玩弄一种独特的叙事手法,由一方讲述,另一方静默倾听。《陌生人》的主角成吉思怀揣着失望、愤怒的情绪回到家乡拉合尔,他已经逐渐蜕变为一个仇视美国的激进...
评分像是一只咕咕咕叫不停的欢快的鹦鹉,小说的开头,是一位热情的幽默的马拉松式的开场白,而你——正在读这本书的人——仿佛就是那位美国佬。 可是渐渐的,美国佬渐隐渐现了,絮絮叨叨的“我”成了主角,而你——正在读这本书的人——则成了真正的听众。 口语化...
The Reluctant Fundamentalist pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025