Arts Public Policy in the United States pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
tents have had |heir ministries of culture and have decreed nat<br >olicies with rest)col to the arts, our l)olilical lcadcrs have gent<br >~ied awa~ fronl altcmpts Io define an Anlcric,m public policy to<br >le arts.<br > Nevertheless, tile arts have tiourished in our socicty, and om a<br >ave come Io I)c rc(ognized ;ts amOll~A the foremost in the wo~]<br >Imost :111 media ot artistic expression. It is thcrcforc ;q)l)arcnt<br >~e mix of influences and inspir;itions thal has nourished art in<br >3untry has a t mgiblc vitality that constitutes it public policy.<br >lso clcar thal ;uIists and the arts have :tssumed imt)ort;tnt rol,<br >ur nation;d cuhtire.<br > Ill sonic lllC~lStlrC, l]lebC dovcloplllClltS have I)ccll 3CtC1Cl;ItC*<br >le fact l]lat our sCVClal levels of goVCl-lllllClll }la~2, ill reccilt )<br >sta)l shed tundinA sut)t)orl tor tile arts and lot education i!~<br >rts. Howc~cr, ill rclalivc lCllllS, go~crilmCnl:tl tinanci,d suppo~<br >re arts has bccn ])tlt a fr;iclion of tile entice reservoir ol 1)hil:mth<br >rivate patronage, and corporate contributions that rctlc~t the p]<br >ml of ore polilic:d, ccononli(, and social S}SICIIIb.<br > Ill order to athicvc a dot|nit|on of the factols thal constitute p<br >,olicy in tile I!nitcd St;lies with respect to the arts, to locate th<<br >n our system of n:ttional values, and to assess the publit and p~<br >ctions that would make tile stalus o| tile arts more secure ill<br >3ciety, The Amcric;tn ASSClnbl.s convened :t meeting at Arden 1t<br >tarriman, Next York trom May 31 to .lune 3, 198t. Part|c|]<br >eprcsentcd goxcrmncnt, business, universities, [ound;~tions, an<br >aciations; tile performing, or:tphic, plastic, and litcrarx arts; al<br >.irection and administration; and patrons of the arts and c~iti(<br >,reparation for that meeting, The American Asscmblx rclainc~<br >3cNeil Ix)wry. tornlcrls o| The Ford Foundation, as cditol<br >
Arts Public Policy in the United States pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025