Stranger,you&I pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
1<br > Sughie buttoned the iacket (~t his maroon-<br >and-yellow B n B uniform and cvcd Beanie s gear on the<br >bed next to his own.<br > Geez, what a pack rat; the kid made the roonl look as<br >if it belonged to ten people instead of only tv(). Not ~mlv<br >was thcre a pile of stuff a fl)ot deep on top of the bed<br >(ieans, shoes, paiamas, T-shirts of every color), fllcrc wcrc<br >assorted boxcs, bottles, and iars underneath it, not t() mcn-<br >tion l~ester s empty cage, awaiting the hamster s unlikclv<br >return. A month ago l,ester d madc an end run tier freedom<br >via the fllrnace grill and nobodv d seen his I)cadv-cved<br >little kisser since.<br > But at least l,ester s been missed, l lughie reflected, and<br >pulled on a pair of clean socks. 1 11 probalfly bc gone a<br >week heft)re anybody notices; that s what being invisiblc s<br > all about, right? Right. It was the fate of people who ended<br >
Stranger,you&I pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025