Potshot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
ONE<br > In 1973 planes ~[ying interaational routes carried almost one hun-<br > dred million passengers. Of these passengers, one thousand were<br > killed. Statistlea//y, this ratio of numbers ki/led to total number of<br > air lravelers represents a very small percentage. But the thousand<br > who died perished without baln - -<br > tg aware of the comforting statistic.<br > And it does not ease the aching emptiness/eft in people who ]oved<br > and needed the five who were kl//ed at Rome s Leonardo da Vind<br > Airport in the early spring of that year. ~<br > Afterward, no one who had been in the airport s International<br > Terminal that mornilag was able to remember seeing the darkly<br > good-looklng boy who d given Mar~ofie Kavanagh the box of choco-<br > lates. Fie didn t accompany her to the Pan American ticket counter.<br > Fie stayed instead near the aisle leading to boarding control, wait-<br > tIgonerfously w~le she conKrmed b t tl d checked<br > ugrl iaer single suitcase.<br > She looked a ]ittle breathless when she came back to him carry-<br > ing ticket, boarding pass, and passport. ~I have to go in now."<br > She was fighting bae/~ tears. "Takeoffs<br >already boarding." in fifteen minutes. They re<br > Sellm glanced at her boardiz<br > ~g card. ~Cate Five. That s nil the wadY<br >to the fight in there. Better hurry." His English was a bit stiff an<br >slew;<br > but his voeabulary was good,<br > She studied Schm s faee, uncertairdy. Fie wasn t smiling, but that<br >di~t mean anything. Shed lomrned in the six days of/lying with<br >him that he was<br > a very sefious boy; not the kind to smile easily.<br >Even when he cracked iokes, or when he was dancing with bet<br >in the Roman discotheque where they d met, his eyes retained a<br >
Potshot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025