You're Entitled!: A Divorce Lawyer Talks to Women pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
I nt roduction<br > a onlcn so that I have an insight into what you are going through as<br > well as whal your hu,sband is feeling and thinking. And, of course,<br > I know what your husband s lawver is thinking at each stage of the<br > di ~orce pn~ccedings. S~.~ will you once you ve read this book.<br > First let me tell you what I ve learned about women who<br >beck;me involved in a divorce ~ ,,, : ,~<br > prc cccd~ng. Not all ,~t men, but<br >most. Chances are you re angry, scared, confused, and probably<br >hurting. And you have no idea of what on earth you re getting into.<br > Now it doesn t make any difference whether your hu.band<br > walked (~tit" ~)i1 you, or you did the "walking," or neither of you<br > v>:<llked" but the marriage just fell apart. It still hurts and youre<br >still frightened. Unless you ve gone through a divorce proceeding<br >bcfi~re, you must feel as if w.)u re about to go paddling tip the<br >Amazon in a small canoe.<br > I understand all of that. After all, a divorce proceeding is the<br >only time our society places two people in combat who were once<br >very much in love and who may be the parents of small children<br >who still love both of them.<br > V s<br > c:;, I kno,a what you re feeling. But it s my job to guide you<br >thn~ugh the -~, " journey a<br > I crlious head, to protect you from harm, and,<br >finally, to help y(m get what the law says you re entitled to. Stated<br >simply, this book is,, about "getting 3our,., sv"<br > What does "getting yours" mean? Well, your state has a divorce<br >la,a that sets forth in very dry language what you (and four<br >lza_~band) are entitled to:<br >~ A divif;ion of all property you and he acquired during the<br > marriage<br >~ Child support (if you have children)<br >~ Alimony tbr you (maybe)<br >~ Your lawyer s. " fiecs " and court costs (inavot_)" " ~<br >~ Plus a htundry list of additional economic protection you will<br > need 1o get by<br >~ And certainly a piece of paper that says you and your husband<br > are divorced from each cthcr~ and arc free to remarry (the Decree<br > of Divorce)<br >
You're Entitled!: A Divorce Lawyer Talks to Women pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025