Mostly on Martha's Vineyard: A personal record pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
1<br >(~ladvs Reid, who is of :1 fairh- advanced,a,v~c, though not so<br >much furthcr ;~dvanccd than I, has been looking through her<br >father s papcrs and throwing some of thcm away-most of<br >thcm, 1 suppose, bccaqsc that s what happens xvhcn afternoons<br >grow long. In his daybook she found thc cntry, ".larricd to-<br >day," then "l,oafcd toda,v," and thc ncxt day hc worked tcn<br >hours.<br > So when we talk togcthcr x~c share a long vicw that will<br >soon be cvcrvbodv s or nobodv s dim rccord-misundcrstood,<br >of course. Pcrhaps tlmt s bcst, for thcn our prciudiccs and cx-<br >pcricnccs will be laid away intact.<br > Gladvs has bccn rigorously punctual all her tifc, and so have<br >I. Now she s pushing cighty-onc, she sas, and I m pushing<br >seventy-eight but no harder than 1 can help. 1 like too much<br >the goldcn sunlight of Scptcmbcr and Octobcr, and 1 count on<br > Cill ]" morning x~allis to thc t:Iarbor l,ight with Graham, who<br >is a collic two and a half vcars old.<br > (;ladvs Rcid s father was Benjamin ~V. Pcasc of Tom s<br >Ncck Farm on Chappaquiddick, as handsome a man :is I ever<br > saw, who spokc with good scnsc at town meeting and was as<br >
Mostly on Martha's Vineyard: A personal record pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025