Solution Talk: Hosting Therapeutic Conversations pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
FOREWORD<br > Perhaps I shouldn t reveal it (especially in this era when the<br > word "politics" has such a bad connotation}, but I believe that<br > the practices invited by this challenging book go beyond being<br > transformative at the level of the individual {familial) patient:<br > They constitute a strong, progressive, political activity. At a<br > certain level, therapy is always political. This is radical politics<br > at its best.<br > Family therapy, and, broadly speaking, systemic brief thera-<br > pies, had, as it is well-known, a multitudinous and rather fa-<br > moas ancestry: cybernetics, general systems theory, field theo-<br >ry, game theory, psychoanalytic object relations theory, and<br > communication theory, to name but the most frequently recog-<br >nized contributers to the genome of the discipline. But from<br >this list is missing another parent, who has been less sung or<br >who, perhaps, in this Reagan (and post-Reagan!) era of self-<br >started individualism, has cautiously shied away from the lime-<br >light: I am referring to the progressive political movement of<br >the fifties and sixties. In the field of mental health, this move-<br >mhTt triggered, as a spinoff of community-sensitive activism,<br > revision of many practices and above all the deinstitution.<br >allzation reform (or was it revolution?), carrying as a banner the<br >romantic passion of anti-psychiatry and the rhetoric and prac-<br >tice of social empowerment and social justice.<br > This root, forgotten as it may be, permeated the early years<br >of the field. From its beginning, in fact, family therapy was<br >heralded as a radical alternative to the established traditions of<br >
Solution Talk: Hosting Therapeutic Conversations pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025