Fresh Ways With Appetizers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
m<br > Auspicious Begton~pgs<br >To the first course in a menu falls the every class of ingredient, from the<br >happy task of enticement. Like a humblest root vegetables to the<br >musical overture, an appetizer choicest seafoods and the most ex-<br >heightens expectations and sets the ~ otic spices, has its part to play.<br >stage for whal is to follow. What- The recipes in this volume indi-<br >ever tempting form an appetizer cate the breadth of the subject, Di-<br >takes---perhaps nuggets of barbe- vided into three chapters, covering<br >cued seafood, savory tartlets, or a cold, hot, and microwaved appetiz-<br >layered terrine of many hues--it ers, and grouped within these sec-<br >gives pleasure in itself yet stimulates tions according to their principal in-<br >the appetite instead of sating it. , gredients, they demonstrate a<br > Such delights need not be re- ,~ remarkable variety of first courses:<br >stricted to dinner parties or special ~ simple and elaborate salads; stuffed<br >occasions. For an ordinary family ~ vegetables ranging from artichokes<br > and eggplant to okra and tomatoes;<br >meal, a plate of raw vegetables en- ~ aspics, aromatic stews, roulades;<br >circling a creamy dip, or a piping-hot<br >portion of pasta, makes a welcome fish and shellfish; crepes, crous-<br >start, and what is more, a healthful tades, and pastry cases concealing<br >one. For the good news is that none delicacies; cold meats with robust<br >of the 123 appetizers in this book, dressings; purees heady with fresh<br >f om the simplest to the most elab- herbs and garlic; brochettes, que-<br >o~ate is unworthy of a place in a nelles, timbales, and meatballs; pas-<br >health-conscious diet. ta and beans; rice and other grains<br > The recipes in this volume have in many guises.<br > been developed in the Healthy But one common approach un-<br > Home Cooking test kitchens in ac- derlies this diversity. All these reci-<br > cordancewithestablishednutrition- pes express a new philosophy of<br > al guidelines. It is acknowledged cooking, based on the conviction<br > that foods high in saturated fat, if that it is possible to eat well and still<br > consumed in excess, may trigger an increase in blood cholesterol, eat wisely. The emphasis is on fresh foods, chosen from those<br > implicated in the development of heart disease. The effects of salt richest in nutritional benefits and cooked in ways that preserve<br > on health are still a matter of debate, but the sodium in salt is their goodness without undue reliance on saturated fat, cho-<br > thought to contribute to high blood pressure in susceptible peo- lesterol, and salt.<br > ple. A certain amount of salt is essential, but most people, es- Flavors are clean and vibrant. Natural piquancy or intrinsic<br > pecially those whose diet contains a high proportion of processed sweetness is heightened by marination in lively mixtures of fruit<br > foods, consume far more salt than their bodies need. juices, vinegars, aromatic vegetables, wines, and spices, and by<br > In most of the recipes that follow, one serving of average size the liberal addition of the fresh herbs now available in ever-wider<br > contains no more than 250 calories, 6 to 9 grams of fat--of varieties. Basil, for example, was once largely restricted to those<br > which only 3 grams or less are saturated fat--75 milligrams of lucky enough to live in sunny climates, now, several different<br > cholesterol, and 400 milligrams of sodium. A few of the appe- types, from the tiny peppery leaves of bush basil to the large,<br > tizers, appropriate for special occasions that merit a little self- decorative opal basil, perfume the air of many supermarkets.<br > indulgence, exceed these limits. The majorityfallwell below, thus Mint, dill, sorrel, lemon balm, and a host of other species are<br > leaving plenty of scope for planning the remaining courses, available too and are no longer the exclusive preserve of green-<br > An appetizer is generally understood to be a small dish served thumbed rural and suburban gardeners.<br > at the beginning of a meal. Greater precision is impossible, for When sauces are used, they are based on vegetable or fruit<br > these so-called small dishes embrace the culinary universe, purees, or on cooking juices thickened by reduction rather than<br > Indeed, the making of appetizers is cooking in microcosm, by flour. Creaminess is achieved by the addition of yogurL<br > Every cooking method is called upon: Oven, broiler, steamer, Dressings for salads are light: Fine oils of distinctive flavor, such<br > saucepan, and saute pan are all pressed into service. Moreover, as virgin olive oil or those derived from hazelnuts or walnuts.<br >
Fresh Ways With Appetizers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025