Christmas With Southern Living 1986 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
-4L<br > Do you recall some particularly memorable the birth of Christ was "almost 2,000 years<br > moment of the Christmas season? An expe- ago, the celebration of Christmas as we<br > rienee that, for you, embraced the true know it is a relatively recent tradition. In this<br > meaning of this day? Perhaps you spent a country, the observance of the holiday was<br > Christmas far from home, a potentially actually banned by New England Puritans in<br > lonely time that was gladdened by a new the mid-1600s, as a pagan ritual. (Southern<br > friend s thoughtfulness. Or it might have colonials, however, celebrated Christmas<br > been simply the opening of a perfectly cho- with great enthusiasm. And eventually, Ala-<br > sen gi~ that made you feel loved and waiTn bama was the first state to make December<br > all over.<br > 25 a legal holiday, in 1836.) Even out" most<br > If you ve ever known such an occurrence, popular custom, decorating an evergreen<br > you probably realize that, although Christ- tree, was not common in America until<br > mas is essentially miraculous, caring deeds about 150 years ago.<br > by each of us make it even more wondrous.<br > Although you probably have some well-<br > These acts, reinforcing our beliefs and eslablished Christmas traditions, there are<br > strengthening the bonds of love and fliend- many fresh and exciting possibilities within<br > ship, often become cherished practices that the pages of this book to help make the<br > we repeat year after year--our Christ- upcoming holidays the best of times.<br > mas traditions.<br > We hopeyou will find here evexythingyou<br > ! It s never too late to make an effort need for all your holiday decorating, gift<br > that may one day become a beloved giving, +rod entertaining, and that some of<br >,., r. itonCo, i.e.+or "" &..+j<br >~C ~ these careffllly selected ideas<br > e, that although ~ will become fond tradi-<br > tions in your home.<br >
Christmas With Southern Living 1986 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025