图书标签: 英语 生态 环境 历史
Inventing Pollution pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Britain's supremacy in the nineteenth century depended in large part on its vast deposits of coal. This coal not only powered steam engines in factories, ships, and railway locomotives but also warmed homes and cooked food. As coal consumption skyrocketed, the air in Britain's cities and towns became filled with ever-greater and denser clouds of smoke. In this far-reaching study, Peter Thorsheim explains that, for much of the nineteenth century, few people in Britain even considered coal smoke to be pollution. To them, pollution meant miasma: invisible gases generated by decomposing plant and animal matter. Far from viewing coal smoke as pollution, most people considered smoke to be a valuable disinfectant, for its carbon and sulfur were thought capable of rendering miasma harmless. Inventing Pollution examines the radically new understanding of pollution that emerged in the late nineteenth century, one that centered not on organic decay but on coal combustion. This change, as Peter Thorsheim argues, gave birth to the smoke-abatement movement and to new ways of thinking about the relationships among humanity, technology, and the environment.
Peter Thorsheim
不是特别refreshing; 不过很好地说明了环境保护这事必须靠政府, 私人企业只管自己的利益而百般抵触, 然后私人企业一国有化问题就解决了 LOL
评分不是特别refreshing; 不过很好地说明了环境保护这事必须靠政府, 私人企业只管自己的利益而百般抵触, 然后私人企业一国有化问题就解决了 LOL
评分不是特别refreshing; 不过很好地说明了环境保护这事必须靠政府, 私人企业只管自己的利益而百般抵触, 然后私人企业一国有化问题就解决了 LOL
评分不是特别refreshing; 不过很好地说明了环境保护这事必须靠政府, 私人企业只管自己的利益而百般抵触, 然后私人企业一国有化问题就解决了 LOL
评分不是特别refreshing; 不过很好地说明了环境保护这事必须靠政府, 私人企业只管自己的利益而百般抵触, 然后私人企业一国有化问题就解决了 LOL
评分认知改变环境 人类在认知态度上的差别真是很大。在面对一些以前未见过或者完全陌生的事物时,有一些人会坦诚地去面对,去发现,最终将陌生变成熟悉,让未见成为常态;而有些人则排斥这种未知,拒绝这种陌生,于是他们逐渐地落后于社会,活在他们认为的一个小圈子之中;还有些...
评分PM2.5数值屡屡爆表,雾霾之下,身在户外须臾不敢脱下口罩。有人戏言,会不会某天,人类必须带着防毒面具生活啊?这真不是杞人忧天,如果那天到来,可能还得装备上一副能透视厚重雾霾的特制眼镜才行。 在《发明污染:工业革命以来的煤、烟文化》中,彼得·索尔谢姆详细描述了19...
Inventing Pollution pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025